Saturday, November 20, 2004

I like to know where I was at the same time last year, so I decided to read my blog from last November 20th. I see not much has changed for this time of year. I've got a major paper due on Monday and I've only got my outline done. I will be busy tonight and tomorrow...and Monday perhaps (PLEASE NO!!!). I am doing a lot better when it comes to my feelings regarding my friendships. Some strange things have been happening in that arena. I am enjoying it, but it is taking a little while to get used to. It's actually been like this since the start of the year, with people suddenly showing that they want to spend time with me, and me opening my heart up to more people. I am so thankful for the friends I have. I am truly blessed to have them in my life. I have to plan a date with God for some time in the next 3 or 4 days...what shall we do? I have some ideas, but I'm not entirely sure yet. I'm excited for it though.

Friday, November 12, 2004

It's so good to be back in Winnipeg again! We had a good trip out here...lots of singing and laughing. We stayed in Regina on Wednesday night, and left around 7:30 Thursday morning. We stopped at a little restaurant in Moosomin for breakfast. I think it was called Country Squire Inn. Anyways...they had really good food, service, and prices. We were all pleased.

On the way to Winnipeg, I saw a sign for the Swinging Bridge in Souris, which I've been on, but nobody else in the car had, so I took them to see it. We were thinking how fun it would be to have a digital camera with us so we could do our own video of our adventures. Souris is a good town to sho.ot videos in. We had some fun and did the bridge scene from Shrek. It was great! Cara said she wanted to go to Starbuck's while we were here, so we ended up making a bit of a game with it when we saw a sign for the town of Starbuck, then the Starbuck Credit Union, then a coffee shop with a similar sign to Starbuck's. Though she has not yet got to a real Starbuck' though.

Cara, Mandy, and I went for coffee with Kyle last night, then after he left, we went to see a movie. We were going to watch Ladder 49, but it was 7:40pm and the next one didn't start till 10:05pm. We looked at some of the other movies and it was basically the same thing...we were too late or too early for them. There was one, however, that was starting at 7:50pm. Alfie. Now, I had remembered seeing previews or something for it, but I didn't remember what it was about. I'm a Jude Law fan, though, so I was up for it. We decided to be adventurous and go see a random movie. Mandy ended up asking somebody what the movie was about, but Cara and I didn't want to know so we didn't listen. Within about the first 10 minutes of the movie, I thought about walking out, but I decided to give it a chance. I was sitting a seat away from a couple who were pretty vocal during the movie. I decided to watch the movie in more of a study way than just pure entertainment, so I was paying attention to the audience's reactions during the movie, and just seeing how accurately this movie reflects life "in the real world".

When the movie was done and we started talking about it, I realized how much of an impact Integrative Seminar has had on me. I mean, I knew it had, but I just got to see it in a new way. Int the theatre and driving through the city, I was just looking at people, desiring to reach out to them, to take them for coffee and just talk. I want to help them to see first that they are missing something, and second what that something is. Honestly, if I was driving and didn't have other people in the car, I would have stopped to talk to this one guy who was just sitting on a bench.

When we got back to Sarah's place, Cara and I, and eventually Mandy, were talking about the movie some more. We started questioning what holds us back from talking with people. I believe the major conclusion we came to is that we are afraid of not saying the right thing or not having the answers. This movie helped me to once again see that people in our world are lost, and that there are some who realize it and are looking for answers. I think I am finally at the point where I'm not really all that concerned about not having the answers. People need something. I have it. I just need to show them love the way I know how, and pray that God will work through me when I do.

The content of the movie was accurate and necessary. There were a few scenes where I was quite impressed with how they were portrayed on the screne. It's hard to describe without telling about the movie. All I have to say is give the movie a chance. Be warned about the se.xual content, but watch it nonetheless. And if possible, watch it with someone who IS lost because if they are in the right mindset, it could be a great witnessing tool.