Sunday, December 26, 2004

Well, since we had our family Christmas on last Sunday, I stayed at my friends' place on Christmas Eve, then we went to his family's place for lunch and her family's palce for supper. I had fun, but it was weird being away from my family on Christmas day. And now (Christmas night) I'm staying at another one of my friend's places 'cause we decided to watch a movie tonight, then I'm gonna go to church with her'll be weird but good. I used to go to this church when I was like 4. It's where I came home from one day and told my mom that witches aren't in heaven (from the prayer, "Our Father which art in heaven..."). I can't believe I'm only here for another week. It's good though. It'll be a good amount of time. It's been a much needed break that has helped me to start putting things into perspective. Mini-semester should be...interesting...with all the talk of self-protectiveness and blocked goals and repentance and what not.

I wish I could grasp the concept of a sinful nature, that the good I see and think I do/have/etc is not true goodness, but that sin has distorted everything I do and see. And I am seeing that being confused is a good thing because it makes me dependent on God, but how do I know if I am really depending on God and moving forward in Him or if I am just giving up and just going through life. If my perception is distorted by sin, how do I know if I am truly depending on God or if I just THINK I am depending on God? And if I'm not supposed to know these things, why am I being told to think about them and ask about them?

And why are we so blind to the sin in our own lives and the lives of others? And if we see it in other people's lives, why are we too afraid to love them in a way that challenges them to look at themselves and turn to God in those areas? And why when we start to become aware of sin in our own lives do we not deal with it directly? Why do we try to put it off to the side, perhaps to "deal with it later...when I have the time"? Why do we insist on being in control of our own lives even when we know we don't know what to do or know that we can't do anything? Why do we fight against God when He always has the best for us? Why is it so hard for us to trust Him?


And the questions never stop. I feel like I'm going round in circles with everything!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Well, after spending many hours at airports on Friday, I made it home. I spent Saturday with my family (my niece is SO cute!!!), then went to my friend's place that night. I got to see one of my friends who I haven't seen in like 3 years! It was so good. Sunday I went to church only to find out that that was the last service...ever...for my church.

So, I had been thinking of leaving my church for a couple years now, but I kept giving it another chance. Then I came home this Christmas with the attitude of "I'm going to find out what direction the church is going in, then see if I have anything to offer. If not, I will tell them that I am going to find another church." So, with my attitude changed from "I'm not getting anything out of this" to "What can I do?", my decision was made and I no longer have a home church. Odd. I've been going to that church for just over 9 years now. But this is giving me one part of the freedom I need to move on. Another part, which came about through a conversation with the friend I hadn't seen for 3 years, I can see coming. I've seen it coming for a while, but various conversations and events keep bringing it closer into being. It is something I really don't want to happen, because it in itself sucks, but it will give me more freedom to move on and go where God leads me.

I am excited to see the work God is doing in me even now over the holidays.

When I came home, there were 7 movies I wanted to see. One of them I think I will wait till video. I saw National Treasure. I enjoyed it. The other 5 I will hopefully see over the next couple of weeks.

We already had our family Christmas, but I'm going to have Christmas with my friends and their parents on Saturday. Then, if all goes well, I'll be going to stay with Kaleena somewhere between the 28th and 30th.

And just for an update...I have been doing some reading. I'm about 1/2 way through the 1st counseling book. I thought it was going to be really technical, but it's not. I'm enjoying it. It is a good book. God is working in me through it already.

I was thinking of my classes for next semester and other things that will be happening. I am excited to see what God has in store.

Well, gotta go. Have a good Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 17, 2004

I can't believe this semester is actually over. I finished my last exam this morning, we're about to eat lunch, then I'm off to Saskatoon, and finally to Abbotsford. I am so excited to go home! I get to see my niece tonight (even if she is sleeping). I hope she remembers me. It's going to be weird not having a bedroom anymore, but that's okay. I kinda like sleeping in the living room anyways. If all goes well, I will get my counselling books read and maybe even some of my assignments written out. I hope for this every break, but I can't usually seem to get into it, but I will have a lot of time at the airport, and hopefully I've become a bit more disciplined to be able to get these things done. But if not, that's okay. I mean, this is a vacation after all! *Oh no! Already on the verge of procrastination!!!*

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Okay, so all afternoon and evening on Saturday, I finshed reading the LOTR (yes the whole thing), then that night I had a sleep over at Amy's with her and "the posse". It was great! We played Heartthrob (Amy couldn't get her mind off "Johnny"), then we watched 13 Going on 30 and finally got to sleep around 3:30am. I got up at 8:40am, came backto the school to do some kitchen laundry and get ready for church. After chucrch and lunch, I worked on my 10 page paper for Inklings, had supper, continued working on my paper, went to the Christmas presentation at the church (left early), continued working on my paper...finally finishing around 6am. Slept till about 7:30am, edited and printed off my paper, had a breakfast meeting, handed my paper in just before 9am, napped from about 10-10:30am, did some kitchen laundry, went to class, had lunch, went to class, played Mario Kart with Rach and Joss, phoned my mom, put some of MY laundry in, then went to take a nap from 4-5pm. Well, that nap turned into a deep sleep from 4-10:30pm (so I missed supper AND chapel...I am sad). I finished my laundry, visited with some people, then went back to sleep from about 12:30-7:30am. So in the span of 15 hours, I slept for about 13. I am now refreshed. Had a nice shower, a good breakfast, got caught up on my blog reading, and now here I am, keeping my site updated. I am happy. And even more so now because somebody...Din playing guitar in the lounge. Today I will study for my exams of which I have one (Inklings) on Thursday afternoon and one (Oral Communication) Friday morning.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Well, it took me a while to get around to it again, but I finally finished reading The Lord of the Rings. I am SO excited!!! And I'll be even more excited when I finish my 10 page paper that's due at 9am tomorrow morning. laundry, church, lunch, start my paper, supper, finish my paper, sleep...if all goes well that is.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

My left arm and shoulder are sore again. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I think it's from the repetetive motion from folding kitchen laundry. I am, however, switching campus services next semester...back to making breakfast...I'm excited.

I had such a good night at the Christmas banquet last night. It was probably my favorite one yet. There are some people who just really end up surprising you when you get to know them...lots of people actually, but last night was one of those ones that just stands out.

Somebody asked me a question before the Christmas banquet started, which I ended up thinking about the reasoning behind it in negative terms. I didn't think about it until after the banquet, when I was on my own, doing kitchen laundry and afterwards. By the time I got around people again, I had been trying to change my mindset and think of the harmless reasoning behind the question. It kind of worked. I ended up watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (with Jim Carey) and talking with a friend. Turns out the thing that's strongly been on my heart and mind over the last month / month and a half ended up being the same for her last night. Must be the time of the year.

Well, we've got brunch pretty quick, then campus cleanup. I can't believe Christmas break starts in 6 days!!! I am so excited to see my niece!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Ok, my challenge is taken care of, well, that part anyways. I've been thinking for a long time that I need to get a mentor who is older than me, but for various reasons, well, hasn't been working. I've been talking to people about it and I've been more recognizing my need for one, but I've been hesitant in asking. But this morning, after my last post, I confronted my fears and asked Nancy P. to mentor me, so we'll be starting that next semester. Now I'm scared as to where that will take me, but I am trying to trust in God. I may be getting another official peer mentor, though this one will be both formal and informal, whereas the other one has been informal, which has also been good. Anyways, I've gotta run for class.
I'm being challenged right now. By God and other people (about the same thing). I do not know if I have the courage to face this challenge right now. I want to, sort of, but it scares me. Perhaps I will go do my part of it before class and see what happens. This has been a long time challenge, but it has beome more real over the last few days. Oh good...a distraction. OK, I'm going, I'm going.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Well, when I got back from Winnipeg I didn't think I would be doing any out-of-town travelling until Christmas. Last Friday I drove to S'toon, well, half an hour outside of S'toon) to cheer on the volleyball teams. It was fun. They couldn't hear me, unless they were serving on the side I was sitting on, but it was fun nonetheless. Then I spent Saturday afternoon and evening in S'toon. We watched The Forgotten and Alexander, with having dinner in between. Alexander was good. The Forgotten was good and highly entertaining. Dinner was good. But the best part of that day was the conversation. There was honesty without holding back. I wish I had this in all my friendships. Anyways, I ended up driving to S'toon again yesterday. This time I went with Vanessa. We watched Ladder 49, went to BP for dinner, shopped at Wal-Mart (I bought pink clothes :S), and went to McD's for icecream. Once again, the conversation over dinner and to and from S'toon was the highlight. I love one-on-one conversations with people. It helps me to get to know them (and them me) so much better. While last weekend there seemed to be, for the most part, a central topic, last night we talked about a variety of things, but with depth for the topics that needed it. Well, I have to go do some more homework. This is my break between lunch and supper. I am SO looking forward to dinner and a movie (IN TOWN!) tonight. It'll be good to hang out and relax with friends, who have basically become family.