Saturday, May 28, 2011

I love those moments...

I love those moments when something random happens and I have no doubt that it is God reaching out to me where I'm at. Tonight it was a tiny bubble that had escaped the dishwater and was floating along way past the time it should have been. It was like a sign of love and playfulness - a romantic gesture that only He and I would understand. I am my Beloved's and He is mine.

I love those moments of clarity when I realize that I am completely satisfied with life being just me and God. When I actually take the time to stop and put my problems (which I shouldn't even give two thoughts to) into perspective compared to God, His love for me, and my relationship with Him. Tonight I had one of those moments.

I love those moments when I can sing those lyrics that Heather Clark sings so well: "I am in love, in undivided focus." Many times that is not the case, for my focus is often in many directions, causing me to lose sight of the One I love, but as I write tonight I am able to sing those lyrics.

Sunday, May 08, 2011


I've been trying to think of something to write for the last couple hours. I've been keeping myself awake until I get something posted. I haven't been able to come up with much, but here is a short "journey through my mind":
I hate how quickly and easily I get addicted to things. I stopped playing games on facebook because I spent way too many hours playing them. My 8 year old niece invited me to an online game, probably less than a month ago, and I am very addicted already. I may need to stop playing altogether. It's not just games though. Alcohol has been one of my addictions over the years. I am getting better at keeping that under control, but still struggle on occasion. I am thankful I haven't experimented with drugs 'cause I do not doubt where that would lead me. I am curious as to why it is the "negative" things I get addicted to, but not the positive.