Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A little at a time

I was going to write about my re-discovered love for the library, but I'm not sure where to go with it. So I will leave it at the fact that the 2 most recent books I have borrowed from the library are "Patrick" by Stephen Lawhead and "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho.

Instead, I will write briefly about charities and my limited finances. I am continually surprised by how many phone calls and letters I receive from various charities asking for "only $25" or whatever. One time when somebody asked for that, I told them that my finances were not good at the time, and that I actually only had $25 a month left over for food for myself. Thankfully I have gotten my full hours back at work, so my finances are back on track, but I am still cannot give to everyone who phones and writes. I'm still not too sure how to choose between them all, but sometimes there are a couple that just "feel right" at the time. This actually got me thinking about God. I mean, how many people ask Him for things every second of every day? Yet His supply is endless!


WAUGDAI said...

Firstly: Well done! Good to see a post!!!

Secondly: Yippee for borrowing the Alchemist - you're going to want to own a copy, it's worth several re-reads! I've lent my copy out several times now!

And to conclude the three point power sermon: His supply is endless! I think we often forget that, or forget that He is supplying us daily with great things; we just need to 'see' them!

Raeh said...

The Alchemist - wonderful. You should have just grabbed my copy the last time you were up!

How's Patrick?

doxasky said...

Waugdai - Haha...thanks for the encouragement to keep writing. And thanks for recommending The Alchemist...I'm about 1/2 way through.

Rach - Haha...figures you'd have a of the million books I have to read!
Haven't started Patrick yet. A co-worker recommended it to me.