Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Melting Point

I am humbled to the point of feeling like I'm going to melt into the floor. The fact that God uses me just as I am completely overwhelms me. The random comments people make about recognizing Christ in me boggles my mind, but also makes me so grateful. I'm beginning to understand - it's not me, but Christ who lives in me. And through this, how much more am I drawn to the Father, straining to hear Him in the midst of the noise of this world, of my own mind. This is when true priorities take over and time spent in the presence of the Father is desired and taken before all else. As the noise fades into the background, the Father's voice is heard clearly, "I love you."


Jess4Ministry said...

Wow this is amazing. God is amazing!!! Well,Im glad I stumbled upon this blog. Im new to this,my blog is fairly new and it is focused on the young and anointed.:)

Mel said...

Hi, you seem to know GOD really well and got close to him and understand him clearly, i just have some problems and many questions i wish to be answered. When you get the time to talk or chat, write to me?
xxx thank you

Jess4Ministry said...

Hey Nessa, are you talking to me? :)