Friday, July 16, 2004

It's strange how some people's opinions really matter to me.  One person mentions a movie, so I watch it (or plan to); somebody else mentions a CD, so I go buy it without listening to it.  There aren't a lot of people who I trust enough to do that with, but those I do have not let me down (in these types of situations).
Since I found out we are supposed to choose a mentor for the next school year, I had somewhat been stressing because the one person I thought I would ask won't going to be there this year.  I had one other person in mind as well, but I wasn't sure how comfortable I was with that.  Yesterday I thought of someone else, so now that I somewhat have 2 options I am not concerned about it any longer.
I finally got my pictures developed yesterday.  I have some from grad weekend on there, so when I saw those I really started missing people even more.  I'm looking forward to going back to school to see people, but there are still those who are not returning who I miss greatly.
My dad said he didn't want a closet in his room because it would make the room too small, so now my parents and I are going to share one closet in my room (which is smaller than his room even without the closet).  Thankfully I'm only there for 3 weeks.  My dad's brother told him if our place isn't ready by the 31st, he'll bring his trailer right into the front yard of the house so we have a place to stay.  I may opt for a friend's house, but we'll see.
I've been watching Big Brother 5 with Tara and Debbie, but I had to work last night, so I didn't get to watch it.  Thankfully Debbie taped it ('cause she had to work too), so I watched part of it earlier and now I'm gonna go home and finish watching the rest of it.

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