Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I don't even know what to write. I just need to do something to keep me awake until the laundry is done. Unfortunately I don't have much to wrote about because all I do these days is work, sleep, play dominoes with my mom, and play Max and Ruby Dress-up on the computer with my niece. My niece is 3 and I taught her tonight how to play the game by herself because I can only handle so much!

I got an email today about the Pastorate (a group of 25-30 people) I joined through the church I've been going to. I decided to read the names of the other people it was sent to (because I've only met 9 of the people so far) and it turns out I work with one of the guys in the group. So weird! I don't work with him often, but next time I see him I'll talk to him about it.

I've been looking for a used car so my dad doesn't have to drive me to and from work and so that I can go visit FGBI/C alumni in the Vancouver area. I'm having such a hard time not having anyone out here who I'm close with who I can talk to. Maybe I should have moved to Calgary or stayed in Eston...but no, I need to be where I am. It'll be alright.


Demara said...

Do you remember Steve from Monday ball? Well, he always has used cars, that's where we got ours. Give him a call and see. His place is called: CARS (Clearbrook Automotive Repair Services).

And is that guy you are talking about that you work and go to church with Phil, just wondering.

doxasky said...

No, it's Andrew. I do work with a Phil, but I don't know if he goes to my church or not.

doxasky said...

Oh, and I did find a car yesterday morning, but thanks for the option.

Demara said...

No Problem! and wow that was sure fast, that is you finding a car and all. Great! What kind is it?

doxasky said...

I had sort of been keeping an eye out for a while, but that was the first day we (my dad, brother, and I) went looking. It;s a '96 Neon (green). Got a good deal on it too.