I like Shreddies and all, but give me a break...THEY ARE THE SAME!!!!!!
Now, if they added some kind of sugar coating to make the "diamond" ones appear to sparkle, that would be a different story.
Breathing is communion with God. (Alexander Schmemmann)
I read an article on the marketing campaign behind Shreddies! I think it's fabulous! Great advertising idea that increased sales without changing the product! The advertising company behind the campaign even won an award for it's originality! It's the time old saying; why fix something that isn't broke? (Yes, I like Shreddie, and grew up with them as a kid!) Love it! It was fresh new idea... that drew a lot of attention: isn't that the goal of advertising; to draw attention? tee hee. Eat your Shreddies now - yum yum!
ditto the above comment =)
brilliant advert
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