Saturday, December 11, 2004

My left arm and shoulder are sore again. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I think it's from the repetetive motion from folding kitchen laundry. I am, however, switching campus services next semester...back to making breakfast...I'm excited.

I had such a good night at the Christmas banquet last night. It was probably my favorite one yet. There are some people who just really end up surprising you when you get to know them...lots of people actually, but last night was one of those ones that just stands out.

Somebody asked me a question before the Christmas banquet started, which I ended up thinking about the reasoning behind it in negative terms. I didn't think about it until after the banquet, when I was on my own, doing kitchen laundry and afterwards. By the time I got around people again, I had been trying to change my mindset and think of the harmless reasoning behind the question. It kind of worked. I ended up watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (with Jim Carey) and talking with a friend. Turns out the thing that's strongly been on my heart and mind over the last month / month and a half ended up being the same for her last night. Must be the time of the year.

Well, we've got brunch pretty quick, then campus cleanup. I can't believe Christmas break starts in 6 days!!! I am so excited to see my niece!

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