Friday, December 17, 2004

I can't believe this semester is actually over. I finished my last exam this morning, we're about to eat lunch, then I'm off to Saskatoon, and finally to Abbotsford. I am so excited to go home! I get to see my niece tonight (even if she is sleeping). I hope she remembers me. It's going to be weird not having a bedroom anymore, but that's okay. I kinda like sleeping in the living room anyways. If all goes well, I will get my counselling books read and maybe even some of my assignments written out. I hope for this every break, but I can't usually seem to get into it, but I will have a lot of time at the airport, and hopefully I've become a bit more disciplined to be able to get these things done. But if not, that's okay. I mean, this is a vacation after all! *Oh no! Already on the verge of procrastination!!!*

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