Sunday, February 19, 2006

It was good to see some of my AB and BC friends again.

I was reminded of something again on Saturday: I should not be near a vehicle when I have to meet people at a certain time at a place I'm not overly familiar with. I was so stressed out driving in Calgary this weekend! I don't like the person I was portraying.

On the drive back to Eston, I was looking out over the prairie lands and realized that I will not be living in the prairies anymore after grad. I know a lot of people would think this a joyous occasion, but not me. I fell in love with the prairies the first moment I saw them. In fact, when I was growing up there was always a part of me that longed to be in the wide open spaces of the prairies. Being able to spend the last (almost) 4 years at college in Eston and living in Calgary this past summer has been amazing! I love the fields, the sky (sunrises and sunsets, stars, Northern Lights - of which I still have yet to see the really spectacular ones - etc.), the slower pace of life (outside of FGBC), the family bonds that I have seen, etc. There is so much to love about these beautiful Canadian prairies! But still, I have come to appreciate the mountains since I have been here. To gaze upon these masterpieces while driving from AB to BC...I am in awe. And of course...the ocean. Oh how I miss it so! I suppose that was my way of looking upon the wide open spaces. But I have always loved the water. I could swim for hours on end. And to walk along the pier in White Rock, hearing the waves crash against the rocks, reaching the end in anticipation of the sun setting over the ocean. Leaning against the railing, talking with friends till all hours of the night, with the various sounds in the background. I am torn in my love for the beauty of this country, yet it is the same country, and wherever I go, I know that I will see the beauty of God in the creation around me.
I can easily identify with Brian Doerksen's lyrics in the song Creation Calls, which was one of my favorite songs before I even came to SK.

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