Wednesday, February 01, 2006


As the blogging community continues to grow, this question arises more and more. The answers I can think of:

1. Let friends and family (who you rarely get to talk to) know what's happening in your life.
2. A written form of preaching.
3. An encouragement to others.
4. A place to vent and possibly have someone finally listen.
5. A way to share ideas with more people.
6. To inform people of things happening in the world.
7. To have open discussions on various issues.
8. To promote a business, school, event, etc.

That's all I can think of for now. If you have a different reason for blogging or you know someone else who does, leave the reason in the comments. Or leave a comment saying what you think about these reasons.


K said...

for myself it is a way to let people see a side of me that i don't let out verbally. I am more expressive when I write, so I feel like people are getting a bigger picture of who I am. (though I admit I have lately not said much along those lines--it isn't always easy!) Love Ya!

Coralou said...

Most of the above.

Pastor Marie says, "Hi!"

theDING said...

Yeah, that about covers it...