Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Is He worth it?

March 9th, 2006

Two weeks and two days ago was Recruitment Chapel. It has had an immediate and longer-lasting impact on me compared to many things I have learned. I was humbled by the love of both man and God. What has stuck with me most has been the message of God's love for me, combined with both words and video footage. We were asked to watch some clips from The Passion of the Christ while picturing Jesus the Christ thinking "You are worth it". I could not contain the flood of tears that came upon me.

Last weekend was Encounter Weekend. I spent a lot of time face down before my God, seeking His heart, getting to know Him. Many of us were struck with the urgency of continually being in this posture and having this attitude.

There is now a specific time set aside in the mornings from 7:15-7:45 where anyone who wants to can go to the chapel to sing along with a cd, pray, journal, read, draw, rest, dance...anything that allows people to get to know God. While it has been hard to get up in the mornings, the thing that gets me out of bed is asking the question: Is He worth it?

1 comment:

theDING said...

I'd like to think that he is; after all, what he's done for us is infinitely more amazing than anything that we could ever dig up over the course of our lifetimes.

He forgave us of our sins! For now, for then and forever we are able to stand before God as an upright people and not have to worry about all of the things that we have done.

I don't think that we can ever match that.

However, I think that the question that naturally follows from this is: "Do we live like He is worth it?"

Because He definitely is...