Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Street Ministry

What is it that holds me back from doing something that I love so much?
Little experience in life and ministry? Partly.
Fear of sounding stupid? Yes, that too.
Busyness of life? That's another excuse.
Fear of failure? Always.

What is it about Street Ministry that I love so much?
Listening to people's stories.
The thought of being able to help them walk/work through their struggles.
Exemplifying God's love to the "unloveable".
Showing people their potential and helping them see ways to reach it.
Being obedient to what God has called me to do.
Being open to allow God to develop me.

I did some Street Ministry before I came to FGBC. At that time, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do or how to go about doing it. After 4 years of Bible College, I am still not entirely sure of these things, but I am more willing to interact with people and I have a stronger foundation in my faith. After wrestling in my faith at great length at least once a year, I have come to learn that God will not give up on me, that He will continue to walk with me through those faith-challenging times, that He will rescue me from those life-altering "dark night of the soul" times. I suppose it's a good thing that I'm uncertain of my abilities because this requires me to rely on God, on who He says He is, rather than doing it on my own.

After reading Sheri's blog and the link in one of the comments, both my desire and my fear have grown stronger.

Thoughts on Street Ministry lead me to another desire of my heart that I shall get into at another time: Intercession.


Greg Roberts said...

Thanks for the encouragment and for being so open.

WAUGDAI said...

Self Examination is great Sylvia... Those are both close to my heart as well. I've come to wrestle through many "how to's" and "strategies", but one of late that challenges me in all walks of life is the concept of being missional in all we do. To top looking at the how's and just start living as though He really is inside you. It's not about how's it's about just doing what He has called and created us to do, to love Him and others, and to be in relationship. Just some challenges I'm walking through now.. food for thought.