Saturday, December 16, 2006

A Night on the Town

I had a 6 hour nap yesterday instead of a 2 hour nap, so I woke up at 10pm last night and have not been able to sleep since. I felt like going for a drive, so I went to the Nativity display in town here and just stood in front of it. I think it was around 2:30am. There was a guy sitting on a bench there looking at the display as well. He said he just got off work and he likes to stop there on his way home and listen to a few Christmas carols. A few minutes after he left on his bike a car was stopped at the lights across the street. One of the guys started yelling at me to get away from there before he threw me in. He yelled about 4 different times, but I just kept turning around and ignoring what he was saying. I was kind of scared that when they got through the lights there might be some trouble, but thankfully they just kept driving. I stayed a little longer then continued my drive. I ended up stopping in at work to visit for a bit (ended up helping get some supplies from the warehouse), then took a different route home. It was a good drive.

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