Sunday, November 20, 2005

Well, although today did not go as planned, I still had a great weekend watching volleyball and hanging out with friends.
I wonder if I will ever get to the place where I take my friends for granted. I hope not. My friends have always been a huge part of my life. I constantly recognize how blessed I am to have them in my life. While there are some friendships I am saddened by due to lack of connecting in recent times, those I have and those that are developing amaze me every day. Tonight I was talking to a friend about the lack of connection with some previously close friends and she said that part of it could be because in a school our size we can so easily take our friendships for granted because we see each other every day and even when we do talk it can so easily stay at surface-level.
There are few things that I am passionate about, but friendships is definitely one of those things. So many people do not clue into the importance of friends and family until they have lost someone or until they are on their deathbed. Please do not be one of those people! Look at those around you through new eyes and a renewed heart and have courage to be open and honest with each other. Be intentional in developing your friendships.
To each of my friends (I really hope you know who you are): I love you so much! I pray that you know that. God bless you all.

Love Sylvia:)


K said...

whoa, this was weird. I was at your sight, and you hadn't posted. then I clicked on a link and a spent a moment there. then I came back and bam! You had written a new post. that means that you may be online right now... i'm gonna check.

K said...

by the way, your post is inspiring. i wish i could be with my friends right now.