Monday, November 14, 2005

Wow...the FGBC web of blogging continues to multiply! It is hard to keep up at times, but I am truly enjoying reading what everyone has to write. Some things I read are surprising to me, some things are confirmation of my observations, and still other things are just plain crazy! In a good way. When it seems near impossible to connect with friends, blogging is a good way to keep up with what is going on in their lives and to let others know what's happening in your life (without having to find time to tell 10 different people the same thing). And for people like me, blogging is also good because we can take time to organize our thoughts and to present them in a way we think people could better understand...without getting interrupted. Though it is also a bad thing because then we might be drawn into the world of blogging so much so that we rarely, if ever, take time to talk to people about what's going on, which if we did take the time, we would likely find ourselves becoming more comfortable with speaking and more confident in our words and the way we express ourselves.

Hm...not where I thought I'd be going with that, but ok.

Well, I've got some homework to do before class, so I'd best be going. AdiĆ³s!

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