Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another turning point?

I am afraid my life is heading in a direction I will all too soon regret, if I do not already. I mean, my job is good: I enjoy it (for the most part), I like the people I work with (for the most part), and I make enough money to pay my bills and stuff and have some left over for myself. However, my relationship with my family (immediate and extended) does not seem like a relationship at all. I barely have a desire to spend time with any of them, though I want to WANT to spend time with them. It is a combination of me being so self-focused and not really knowing how to talk to them. (I'm sure there are other variables involved, but those are the two forefront in my mind and heart). I mean, I still play games with my mom (usually only when I want to, rarely not when I don't want to). And once in a while I will sit at the computer with my niece while she plays her games (though not nearly as often as she would like). I rarely talk to my dad; even less so to my sister-in-law; and even less than that to my brother (granted our work schedules make it nearly impossible to even see each other). And that's another thing...while I enjoy my job, my partially-set schedule does not allow for me to be involved in my church as I would like to be, nor am I finding it easy to volunteer at Cyrus Centre because they want to schedule volunteers in for a full month about 2 weeks before that month starts. I don't know what to do. I do not like who I am becoming (or have become).

As my "mantra" plays over and over in my head: "Think positive. Be a blessing."

Okay, now this is where I tell myself that God is doing something in my life. He is trying to tell me something. What that is, I am not sure yet. I like the whole analogy of us being God's masterpiece, and that as He is working on it we only see random threads on the back, while He sees all as it really is.

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