Friday, February 18, 2005

God has wired me in a strange way. I make connections between things and I see things in people that a lot of other people don't even recognize . Sometimes it is not a big deal, but other times it is really serious. You know how in movies you get to see what is going on in the character's life, so you know if the character is truly happy or if they are just pretending to be having a good time? That's what I tend to be able to notice in real life. Most of the time it only comes if I am intentionally trying to pay attention to it, but sometimes it is in front of my face so clearly that I cannot help but see it. The problem is that I don't often know what to do. It can take a really long time for me to figure it out. Sometimes it is important to tell the person right away that you know, other times it is better to wait for a while, and still other times it is better not to say anything about it to the person, but just bring that person and their situation before God. I couldn't put words to it until this morning, but now that I can, I know that I need to be praying for wisdom even more than I had been, especially now that I see a greater purpose in it.

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