Saturday, February 05, 2005

Stemming from my previous post...

We, the Bride of Christ, need to be ready. He is holding Himself back with a tremendous amount of self-control. He is the Groom. He loves us more than anyone else does. Think of how much someone loves you. God loves you even more. Think of how much you love someone else. God loves them even more. He is full of joy as He awaits His Bride. Just picture His wide-open, brightly shining eyes as He looks down the aisle at His beautiful Bride. He is waiting for us to be ready. He is a gentleman and will not pressure us into something we are not ready for. When He knows that the time is right, however, He will come quickly, no longer needing to restrain Himself. He's waiting for us with the greatest intensity of love. Are we ready?

To understand a little more about what it means to be ready, go to Coralou's Feb.2/05 post.

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