Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm sorry

I have a hard time saying sorry. Saying sorry means I have done something wrong and that I actually have to admit it to someone. I think saying sorry is an aspect of vulnerability as well. This morning I apologized to my mom for my bad attitude yesterday. Well, for getting mad for no apparent reason anyways. The rest of my bad attitude is something that doesn't really affect my family because I do not share it with them. But when I apologized to my mom, the problem was dealt with. Normally I would just not say anything and we would all just "sweep it under the rug". There's a lot of dirt under that rug, but I think that as I start apologizing right away, some of the old dirt will be swept clean as well.

1 comment:

Demara said...

Ya humility is very hard to protray especially when angry, so good job.

And I love the quote you have in your description field, so neat!