Thursday, December 08, 2005

ALIAS in real life?

So I got a letter recently stating that "There has existed for many years an exclusive association, a secret society of the world's most famous and powerful people....Members of the Nuova Tech Society have analyzed your profile....It seems you...possess several rare traits they are searching for...."

Of course they say that the information they sent me is confidential, so to keep it a secret, but you know - when they are sending this to people, trying to prey on their insecurities, offering false hope, trying to discount the work of God - I just can't let it go unsaid. It saddens me to know that there are people in this world who will fall in with this group, some people who are so prideful that they will turn their back on God with the expectation that their life will improve because of their own abilities.

Perhaps with some of them their life will seem to improve, but at what cost? They are forfeiting their souls! To be honest, even though my first thought was "Scam" I could see myself falling into their trap of flattery and false hope. Thankfully, however, I have a God who is bigger, a God who loves me, a God who has proven himself over and over again.

There have been other times recently where I have been challenged (not by people) to renounce God, times where I have been enticed to put my own needs ahead of God's desires, but yet again, God continues to be faithful and continues to show me the "bigger picture".

I am thankful for these "temptation in the desert" times because my faith matures as I rely on the one true God. He is my everything. Without Him I am and have nothing. As one of my favorite songs says, "Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold onto You, I'll hold onto You, I'll hold on to You sweet, sweet Jesus."


theDING said...

That is really creepy...
And yet, I never would have thought of that as being a way of covering up insecurities that people have about their life. In some ways, the way in which we decide to form our own community and circle of friends is totally reflective of what we believe.

You make a really great point here and I am glad that you were able to see this in a letter that would normally be either really enticing or merely written off as ludicrous junk-mail.

Just another way of showing that you need to have a bit of the eternal within you to be truly contemporary.

Anonymous said...

It's a scam, plain and simple. Nothing to do with denying God or stuff -- saying that they're engaged in some war against Christianity is giving them too much credit. Googling for "Neo-Tech" or "Novus-Tek" or "Nova-Tech" or "Nuova-Tech" or "Nouveau-Tech" turns up lots of information and misinformation about this oh-so-secret society.

While I'm at it: check out Pax Neo-TeX!

Anonymous said...

I got a letter yesterday. It upset me. Too personal and uninvited. "We know you are sensitive and caring etc" my name constantly highlighted.
To me it felt as if my privacy was invaded and if i didn't reply by this Friday..."You will never hear from us again, don't miss this opportunity."

I am not in control of the sheme of things, destiny. That's far greater than any human power. Simply, life is what you make of it with friends and family. I won't reply. My hope for each and every one of us is this. A simple day to day life. Hopefully in good health and good spirit.

A little annoyed...have a Happy Christmas and New "Unsolicited mail" Year
