Monday, January 16, 2006

I went to Edmonton for the weekend. I almost decided not to go because I was so tired on Friday, but I really wanted to see my girls. Unfortunately people are so busy that I hardly got to see any of them, so I left Edmonton missing them about as much as before I got there.

It was quite the weekend though. On Saturday we went to West Ed Mall. I went off on my own for the day, watching a movie, doing some shopping...and lots of thinking and praying. Saturday was 2 years since Nikki and Katie were killed in a car accident. While I do miss them both, I didn't know either of them as well as many others, so I asked God to say hi to them for me then spent some time praying for the families and friends of these 2 beautiful girls who are loved more than words can say.

The thinking and praying continued on into Sunday when at church (God's Spirit is really moving at the North Edmonton Christian Fellowship by the way) we were challeneged to open our ears to hear, our eyes to see, and our mouths to speak...and to take back what the enemy has stolen or is trying to steal from us. This is 2 Sundays in a row now (last week was at Deeper Life Services) when I have been reminded/told that something important is missing in my life, but I can't seem to figure out what that something is exactly. I think I know what it affects, but I don't feel like getting into it here. I tried to think back through my life to see when things have been different and I got back to times that I don't when my dad died when I was 3 or when I first accepted Christ when I was 4. So I'm thinking one or both of those is when something changed in my life, though I'm not sure because I don't know what I was like before that. I just know that something has been stolen from me and I can't seem to get it back, whatever it may be. I will keep asking God to show me and see where we (God and I) end up.

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