Monday, April 03, 2006

As I was walking across the field by the clinic on my way back to the college I looked up and was in awe of how big the sky is, which then caused me to be overwhelmed by the incomparable, unimaginable greatness of God. It boggles me. My mind cannot even contain what I know about Him now, let alone all that He is. He is a mystery that I get lost in over and over again. I enjoy going deeper and deeper into this mystery even though, or maybe because I know that I can never solve it. I am forever lost in His love.


Big Ben said...

If I lived in Saskatchewan, the only thing I would be praying for would be a plane ticket to Toronto.

theDING said...

Ah, the sky and the stars too. Sometimes it is good to reminded about the existence of God by something as simple as just looking up!

It really is mind boggling to see the amount of thought and amazingness that God put into this world of ours.

Anonymous said...

the sky really can capture my heart, when I take the time to look up. thanks for the reminder.
