Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So as I was reading a blog today I came to the realization that I am totally unprepared to go into "the real world" due to the fact that I have become greatly re-sensitized to a certain area, so much so that I want nothing to do with it. In fact, it makes me want to throw up. But how can I live in a world where it is everywhere (and that is only a SLIGHT exaggeration)? I have a hard enough time dealing with my own sin, which I can sometimes ignore, but I don't know if I can handle the words and images that are so blatant in this world. I know I need God so much in this area. He was so repulsed by sin, yet He still came (and comes) to us to have a relationship with us because He loves us. How can I live out this kind of love?


theDING said...

Have no fear, because of Christ you have overcome the world (even in all of it's disgustingness)! Jesus death was an act of redemption for the world and now we get to help.

Remember that is what the church has been called to be; being a redemptive agent is not always easy or even appealing at times, but we have been called to do this for his name and for the sake of the world.

I suggest, in the area of images and words, that you read (as well as anyone else that has this struggle) to read the book "Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire" by Brian J. Walsh and Sylvia C. Keesmaat.

doxasky said...

Like I said, I definitely need God if I am to be able to do this because there is NO way I could do it on my own. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll pick it up some time soon.

Greg Roberts said...

I think your more prepared than you think, but even so He is still with you and from what I remember He always will be, so remember that your not walking alone.

Anonymous said...

How can you not live in this world?!?! Light of the world, salt of the earth, city on a hill, image bearer, Jesus in skin. . . this is what this is all about, OI live and work in this "scary" world and love it the best I can. . . Bible school should not be your be all end all, remember that it is you preparation to not only live in this world, but to love this world. . . believe me when I say it is not as scary as you think and you need to trust God that he will not give you more than you can handle,

see you at grad
