Thursday, April 22, 2004

I was so unbelievably tired last night. I was supposed to go to some birthday thing or something after in-dorm time, but I couldn't make it...I went to sleep at like 11:30. For some strange reason I woke up at 5:30, but I made myself go back to sleep...till 7. I wish I could sleep longer. I'm constantly tired. Thankfully right now is not too bad (PTL for showers!). I did have quite the surprise when I got up this morning. The entire top floor of the dorm was pranked with shredded paper. I still have my guess as to who's involved. I know one for sure, but other than that I haven't been able to definitely pin it on the others. Today is cleanup day. The entire school and dorms will be least that's the idea. Whoever's on dorm cleanup should have fun with the mess from the prank! As tedious of a job as it is, I hope I'm in the library today. There's still almost 2 hours till brunch, so I guess I'll go finish reading my book in the mean time...if I can find a place where nobody else will be that is...prayer room perhaps. I just realized how sad that sounds, but right now, it works for me.

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