Friday, April 09, 2004

There is only one week left of classes (and one exam for me). I can't seem to focus on my homework and when I can and I really want to work on it, there are people who come to talk or hang out and I just can't say no to them. This is because I value people so much. It's not what they think of me, it's about how they're feeling and what they're needing. Obviously I don't know for sure what people need, but I try to do what I think is best. It's part of the whole balance thing I wrote about last time. I put people ahead of my schooling and my schooling ahead of myself (sleep, etc.). Thankfully God is taking care of me. I have made it through 24 years and, with His help, I will continue to make it, even when I mess up. I don't want to just make it though. There are so many things that I want to do, though I don't know what they are exactly. There are so many things that need to be done and I need to continue preparing myself for those things. I love my Pastoral Theology class. Every time I am in that class, God reveals new things to me...things that make me excited about living my life for Him. Some things that I am learning on my own are brought uo in class too, so that just makes it more real to me because I get a better understanding of those things.

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