Wednesday, April 21, 2004

If you don't want to read a similar message to my one from this morning, don't read on. Well, today was much like last night...perhaps because I was not able to get last night's issues dealt with. I think the major difference is that I cried more today and had even less of an understanding. The good thing about today (well, maybe its good, maybe it's not, but it sure seems so right now) is that I was able to escape today. I didn't leave the school because I didn't want to go anywhere by myself, but I lost myself in Zelda. What a good game. I'm having a lot of trouble in one spot right now, but maybe I'll get to try again another day. I decided I definitely want to leave here on Sunday so I can get home to see my niece sooner. I'm not looking forward to doing this drive alone, but it has to be done. At least I don't have to drive back here by myself. There are people in this room who have been quoting Scripture, talking, and just having a good time, but nothing has changed in me.

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