Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I had such a long day at work today. It felt like it would never end. God was helping me through it though. I got to talk to 5 people about school while I was at work today, all at different times. It made my day. When I got home, I was sitting outside with my parents, then my brother came home with my niece, so they were sitting outside with us. Things were going fine for a while, but that doesn't seem to last too long when my dad and brother are together. They started fighting about the house again. I had to take my niece inside because of how they were acting, but my mom told me that my dad went to the trailer then came back out and said he was gonna start looking for another place to live. My mom came in the house and said she was going for a drive by herself (so that's where I get that from), so she was out by the car crying, with my brother hugging her, then she left. Anyways, so I have no idea if I'll be going back to that house for Christmas or not. A coworker said he looked into Eston, so I decided to do the same, and came up with this link: the gopher's view. Enjoy!

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