Thursday, August 05, 2004

Thanks for praying...Leila's back in North America now.

I love being able to see my niece every day! She has a temper and her mom is basically controlled by her, but my mom and I know how to handle her, so hopefully she won't end up being one of those annoying spoiled little brats. I mean, I'd love her anyway, but I'd have a hard time being around her. She's so cute though...she's been walking lots, drawing, coloring (I LOVE ERASABLE PENCIL CRAYONS!).

I went to the library yesterday. When I came out, I looked over by the mountains and saw so much smog everywhere. I was like, "Welcome to the Fraser Valley!" Just then, I looked up a little higher (I think I was looking up to God, but I don't remember) and I saw a rainbow. It was so beautiful. To me, it was God's light shining through the darkness, or like seeing God's beauty in the everyday, blah sort of stuff. I could see each color distinctly, from red right through to blue. Go fills me with peace whenever I gaze at the world He created. Even though we have done so much to distort His creation, He is the master craftsman, the most skilled artist...nothing can cover up the beauty of all of His images...not even sin in man.

When I was on the Island, I was reminded of Chris' comments on love that he wrote on March 22 called kids don't try this at our love is often selfish and that he offered a challenge to anyone who would dare try it. I need to begin a list like that for my good friends, the people I struggle with being around, and anyone in between. As God was teaching me about love, He was (and is) teaching me about grace. I wish I could fully comprehend it (along with many other things), but I cannot. The best I can do is to live by it and hopefully extend it towards others. Even as I was reading Jeremiah this morning, I was reading about God's judgement, then right away, God went on to proclaim future peace and freedom for His people, even though they had betrayed Him so obviously. I find it hard to understand, but I am so greatful that He still does that so that I am able to live in Christ. I only hope that those who are not living in Christ will soon see how much they need God and that they will turn from pursuing their own desires.

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