Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Please pray for Leila who is somewhat stuck in Ghana.

My visit to Nanaimo has almost come to a close. It's been great hanging out with Kaleena, Laurah, and Josh (and their friends). It is now 11am and I am catching the Depature Bay ferry at 12:30pm. I had so much fun yesterday! We went to Parksville to play minigolf and went on the bumper boats where you can spray everybody with your boat. Thankfully we went on the bumper boats first so we could dry off while minigolfing.

I went to see Bourne Supremacy with Kaleena's sister, Melissa, on Sunday night. I wanted to see it and Kaleena had to work till midnight, so I figured it would be a good way to keep me awake till she got home. When we got back from the movie, we played Scrabble. Yesterday I played Speed Scrabble with Kaleena, Melissa, and their brother Joel. It was fun. It made me miss school even more.

When I woke up at 6:30 this morning (Kaleena had to go to work), I actually started missing the guys from school...especially Kardy, I don't know why, but I will see most people soon enough...21 DAYS TILL I'M IN CALGARY!!!!

Well, I'm off to play one more game with Kaleena' sister, Cassie, and whoever else happens to be playing.

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