Friday, October 21, 2005

This is inspired by two friends of a friend and a lunch conversation today...

When I go throughout my day, I am often caught up in my own little world, with my own problems, needs, and desires. Once in a while I will get out of this view of the world, that "It's all about me", will begin to see the needs of those around me. Once I see these needs, sometimes I will go to the people and will talk with them or give them what they are needing, other times I will think about doing these things, but not do anything about it because of fear and selfishness. I was reading previous entries in some people's blogs or whatever today and was struck by the Christlikeness of one individual and reminded of that same Christlikeness of another individual when I had read that person's blog. These two people are not afraid to approach people of any appearance, nor do they "go out of their way" to talk to total strangers. It has become a natural part of who they are. They do not fous on the outward appearance of people, but rather they see those people as people with a story, people with a purpose, and they will engage them in conversation and love on them in an unconditional way. I greatly admire these two individuals because of this and desire to show this love to others, rather than being caught up in being intimidated by people, or wondering why nobody is showing me that they love me, or being "too busy" to stop and give and receive the love of God.

1 comment:

theDING said...

Yeah, its these people that truly show us who God is and what being a Christian is like. I know that I often get tied up with stuff or facts and often forget that when Christ came to reach people, he came as a person, not as a fact or theory.

I'm thankful that God puts these people in our lives so that we can be reminded of who God is and to be challenged to live more like him.

Not a bad goal in life...