Wednesday, March 10, 2004

I h.a.t.e. how satan works in our lives. There are things that people want to get out of, but continually struggle with because of the lies that enter their minds. They believe they can't tell anyone about it because nobody knows what it's like. They believe they would be judged harshly. They believe they would lose some of their closest friends if they were to admit what's going on. The enemy tells us these lies in hopes that he can control us. We need to understand that it is difficult to break free of these strongholds on our own. I was going through this terribly at one point in my life. I thought nobody else knew what it was like. For years I kept praying to God, asking Him to free me, but I would constantly get caught in the trap. I made a decision one day to tell someone I trust what was going on. Though I thought she may want nothing to do with me after I told her, I still followed through. She did not turn away, but instead she sympathized with me and prayed for me. Though I was not freed from that particular b.o.n.d.a.g.e. immediately, within a year God had given me strength to flee. Traps have still been set, but I have been able to recognize them and run the other way. I want people to understand that the enemy h.a.t.e.s. it when we shed light in the darkness. That is why he continually speaks lies to us. I want to encourage people to share with someone the traps they are falling into, so that they may see the power of God work in their lives through others. All of our chains have already been broken, but they were on for so long that we can still feel them binding us. Shed light on these b.o.n.d.a.g.e.s. so that you may see and accept the freedom you have been given. I can't stress it enough: TELL SOMEONE!

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