Sunday, March 21, 2004

I'm scared to go home. The visit with my friend last week proved to me, once again, how not ready I am to go home. She was asking me questions, really good ones, that I should have had the answers to. I panicked at one point because I felt like I was being confronted/challenged (whatever), which NEVER happens to me, so I didn't react all that well, but I went to find a Bible and while I was gone, asked God for help. I know it's a good thing that she challenged me because that is preparation for "the real world", helping me to formulate my thoughts and such...I just kinda wished I was challenged by those I look up to and trust, who I know would give me time to formulate my thoughts, just for practice and such. I'm glad I'm at FGBI, getting a valuable education, being prepared for things that will come my way. I used to think that I was just being prepared for future things in this life, but at church this morning I came to realize that I am being prepared for so much more than that. A few students have come back already, most will be back tonight, and a few will be back tomorrow. I am happy (for purely selfish reasons of course).

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