Friday, March 19, 2004

Ok. Here's the update of this past week: My friend was supposed to come Monday, but came Tuesday due to flight problems. It was fairly boring to begin with...didn't really know what to do. The next couple days consisted of watching "Friends" dvds, tv, and "Mona Lisa Smile"; playing pool, darts, pingpong, Scattergories, Phase 10 Dice, Yahtzee; building a Muppets puzzle; slurpees and ice cream; going for a walk; and talking. I took her back to the airport in S'toon today, but before that we went shopping. I bought a pair of jeans, darts, 3 movies (Tomb Raider, Save the Last Dance, and Ocean's Eleven). It was good. Now I will go eat lasagna and maybe do some homework. And maybe try out my darts :)

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