Thursday, May 20, 2004

YAY Calgary! I'm so excited they won last night! I didn't realize that a Canadian team hadn't been to the Stanley Cup Finals since the Canucks in '94. And it's been 15 years for Calgary. Who will they play? Tampa or Philly? My hope is Tampa. We either find out tonight or Saturday...tonight would be good. Anyways. I have to get all my stuff packed up because my parents are moving. Not sure when yet, but whether they move before or after I go back to school, I've still gotta get it done. I've packed up a bin of stuffed animals and a bin of clothes that I'm going to give away. I've also gone through my cds to get rid of the ones I don't want. I've gotta take my grad dress to a consignment store and I'm going to take some of my extra Bibles to the Bible For Missions Thrift Store to see if they can use them. I spent almost 7 hours with my niece today. Well, I guess she was sleeping for 3 of them, but that gave me 3 hours to talk with my sister-in-law, which was nice, though I ended up hearing some not to pleasant things about my brother, which sadly weren't all that shocking. I wish he'd get his priorities straight. I wish I'd get MY priorities straight! Don't really know what to say about that though. I'm excited for tonight: CSI season sounds good. I'm going to re-tape the Friends series finale tonight too 'cause I missed the first 5 minutes of it last time because my parents don't know how to change the time on the VCR. It's better this time though because the episode that comes right before it is on as well, so I can tape that too. Hmmm 4:05pm...maybe I should go have breakfast/lunch/supper. Have a good night all!

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