Monday, June 14, 2004

I'm so sad that last night was the last DOXA service for the summer. They'll be doing other events a couple times this summer, but it won't be every Sunday night. God met me in such a powerful way again last night. This time it was concerning "the last days". It wasn't preached on or anything...just one line in a song again. Usually when I think of the last days, I think of anytime between the Cross and the Second Coming of Christ. Last night, however, as soon as we sand a song that mentioned the last days, all I could do was fall on my face before God and cry out to Him. I know that people all across time have believed that things would end in their life time, so I don't know what to think because right now I'm sensing that it's going to be VERY soon. It scares me because there are so many people who have not given their lives to God. I ache for these people, but I do not know how to reach them. God has given us all so much time to accept Him...He seems to be giving us more, but I don't know how much. Another thought that goes along with this is that maybe it's not "the end", but that it's the end of the freedom we Christians have in Canada. I'm going to an all-candidates meeting for the election tonight...hoping to make an informed vote this month. Perhaps the result of this election is what will bring about these changes God seems to be placing on people's hearts.

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