Sunday, July 31, 2005

I got a Mac Sports lawnchair last night from Coralee and her parents for my birthday. I am so excited! It unintentionally got named Teddy because I was hugging it...yes, a chair...and I told Coralee I now had a teddychair.

I went to visit my friend Rachel (who used to work at VersaCold) yesterday. She's the one who was in the bad car accident on Thursday. She's home, which is good, but she's still in a lot of pain. And she was supposed to leave today for Ireland, England, and Scotland, but the doctor said she couldn't go. I obviously wish that the accident never happened and that she could go on her trip, but at the same time I am thankful that we are going to have more time to get to know each other. Even with the little I know, she seems like one of the sweetest people in the world and we have a lot of the same interests. I'm really going to miss her when I leave. I can't believe there's only 3 weeks left!!!

Today was the youth pastor's last day at our church. I never got to know him or his wife, but just knowing them from afar I could tell that they were great people. And the words people said about them today just made it even more real. It was a very emotional service, even for myself though I've only been there for 3 months ('s been 3 months already!). I have always had a heart for youth and I have been in their place before (having a great youth leader leave) so my heart was just aching for them this morning.

About a week ago I wrote about "Captivating". Well, I would just like to say that I had my first "twirling skirt, 'Am I lovely?'" experience this morning. As we were singing this morning I started off feeling as though I was singing to the world about the love of my life, then as songs changed, it was me singing to the love of my life, adoring Him and having only eyes for Him, then it was us having a truly intimate moment that I cannot even explain. Rather than me planning a date with God, He planned it with me. It was the most wonderful experience of my life. My God loves me! His eyes are on me! His heart is for me! I was filled with the joy that my love had found me! I pictured myself in a field dancing, twirling my skirt, and not even needing to ask "Am I lovely?" because I knew He thought so. My love has found me! He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me...
Just as in Intergrative Seminar I could feel the way I think changing, so now I know that the way I see myself is changing. I am truly beginning to discover this beautiful masterpiece my God created. Whenever I am outside, no matter the season or time of day, I am awe of the beauty all around me. The sun, the green grass, the fields, the mountains, the trees, the blue sky, the oceans and lakes, the moon, the stars, the wind, the snow, the thunder and lightning, the rainthe sunrises and sunsets...all of it. I have always had a deep love for what my God has created. Over the past few years, I have also come to understand people in this same light...the beauty of God's creation. This has helped me to see people in a new way, a better way. And recently I have started to become aware of the fact that I, too, am part of His creation, meaning I am beautiful. I still have a ways to go before this sinks in so deep that it has long-term life transformation for me, but to finally be in the beginning stage is amazing!

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