Monday, May 01, 2006

I am tired, sore, and emotional.... It must be the day after Jr. High Weekend - the 2nd day of hard goodbyes. Some of these people I may not see for a year or never see again. With others there is a hope that I will see them again soon. It is this hope that helps me to get through, that helps me to continue on.

I had so much fun last night. And as I think about it, I realize that it is a small way in which God is telling me that it will be okay. There were 7 of us hanging out in the dorm last night, 5 of whom I never hang out with. There was Kiah, Kendall, Ashley, Grant, Greg, Craig, and myself. After acting out a "game" of Sloth Sunday, we got a bit of energy and ended up making a fort in the dorm lounge using half of the staircase, couches, chairs, cushions, and blankets...oh and the TV! It was a pretty sweet fort. My friends who were leaving today were still greatly on my heart and mind, but they had gone to bed already. I almost did the same a couple times, but I forced myself to hang out, and I'm glad I did because it was such a great night...especially because we were all so out of it. I got video footage of Sloth Sunday. Perhaps you can check it out some day.

Today I started moving into Danielle's house. I wish it wasn't raining, but oh well. I'm excited for Karla to get back and for all of us to get into some sort of routine. I am so thankful that we have 2 days off before we start cleaning because I don't know if I would be capable of much for these 2 days. Anyways, I think more people might be leaving soon, so I should go and possibly empty my tear ducts again, but maybe not because only 2 people have made me cry so far...

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