Saturday, August 02, 2003

As I was reading my Bible this morning, I was reading Joshua and began to think of what would happen if that army, the way it was, came accross the U.S. army. My first thoughts were that the Israelites would have been destroyed so quickly because they wouldn't have been ready for the types of weapons that are now available. As I continued to think about this however, I realized that if God wants it to happen, even the seemingly weakest army could defeat the U.S. army.

On another note, a friend and I went to Cowichan Camp last night. I got to see a few more FGBI friends and enjoy a worship service. There are so many people who make commitments at these camps but they seem to forget it after a week or so of being back home. The leadership prayed that this would not happen, but that the people would take what they've learned and go impact the world around them. I know it's easier to follow God when you've got the "high" from these camps and conferences, but I learned at FGBI that we cannot depend on our feelings, but that we need to continue to worship God and serve Him based on the Truth He has given us. Even when the world seems to close in on you, when you feel like nobody, not even God, cares about you, it is important to praise God and to seek Him with the little you feel you have left.

Erin and Dave are getting married today! Congratulations you two!

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