I am finished!!!
Over the Break I finished reading The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I also read Connecting (don't remember the authors off hand). And I have finally finished reading The Iron Lance by Stephen Lawhead! These were all very good, yet different from one another. I do, however, suppose that I have learned at least one similar thing from all of them: how to better live the life I desire to live.
I started reading The Art of Biblical Narrative over the Break as well, but I think I will hold off on reading for a couple days.
Today I am going in search of a new TV!
Friday, December 30, 2005
Well, here I am in good ol' Calgary, Alberta. Got in about 2 1/2 hours ago. I am finally caught up on my emails and many blog readings. Just about ready for bed (as it is just after 1am here). I watched a few movies over the holidays (they are listed on the side) and I read a lot and played lots of Dominoes and Scrabble with my mom. Even though I didn't get to surprise my parents when I got home, I did get to surprise me grandma. I picked her up on Christmas morning (she thought I was still in Eston). We had a good visit. I love my niece! She is so cute! Once I get back to the college I will see what I can do about getting some pictures up.
It was a good game! My brother gave me a ticket for Christmas:) Then I got to go home and watch the Canucks (finally) win a game!!! And on the flight tonight I got to watch the 3rd period of the Calgary game (which they won 4-2). It's been good hockey times for me!
I should have something wonderful and inspiring to say, but I do not. Perhaps in the new year. To bed I go. Good night all!
It was a good game! My brother gave me a ticket for Christmas:) Then I got to go home and watch the Canucks (finally) win a game!!! And on the flight tonight I got to watch the 3rd period of the Calgary game (which they won 4-2). It's been good hockey times for me!
I should have something wonderful and inspiring to say, but I do not. Perhaps in the new year. To bed I go. Good night all!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Well, I'm not sure if I'll be on-line over the holidays, so I will take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
The way my heart and spirit have been lately, I am anticipating a new beginning next semester. I'm not exactly sure what it will look like, but I know it involves me paying more attention to God. I want to love people the way they need to be loved, and while I knew it before I'm beginning to KNOW it now: the only way I can love people the way they need to be loved is if I am immersed to the point of being overwhelmed in my relationship with God.
Blessing to you all. I love you so very much! (If this was paper, there would be tear drops all over this).
Well, I'm not sure if I'll be on-line over the holidays, so I will take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
The way my heart and spirit have been lately, I am anticipating a new beginning next semester. I'm not exactly sure what it will look like, but I know it involves me paying more attention to God. I want to love people the way they need to be loved, and while I knew it before I'm beginning to KNOW it now: the only way I can love people the way they need to be loved is if I am immersed to the point of being overwhelmed in my relationship with God.
Blessing to you all. I love you so very much! (If this was paper, there would be tear drops all over this).
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
How: In what manner or way; by what means
do: make an effort
I: The self; the ego; Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer
encourage: To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten; to give support to
my: Used preceding various forms of polite, affectionate, or familiar address
friends: [people] with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade
toward: In the direction of: driving toward home; In a position facing; In furtherance of
God: A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions
?: a punctuation mark placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
End of vocab lesson.
How: In what manner or way; by what means
do: make an effort
I: The self; the ego; Used to refer to oneself as speaker or writer
encourage: To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten; to give support to
my: Used preceding various forms of polite, affectionate, or familiar address
friends: [people] with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade
toward: In the direction of: driving toward home; In a position facing; In furtherance of
God: A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions
?: a punctuation mark placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a question
End of vocab lesson.
Monday, December 12, 2005
So I've come to the conclusion that when I am going through a really crappy time, that is when I need to be interceding for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Of course I need to be doing this on a regular basis, but it seems that it is even more important when I am having a hard time. Of course it is easier to realize this than to actually do it, but I need to be faithful in this.
On another note: I got a letter today...from me. At the beginning of the semester, all the girls were split into groups and went from station to station throughout the school. One of the stations was in the "pit" in the lounge. At this stations, we were asked to write a letter to ourselves...something that the leadership would hold onto until around Christmas time. I've done something like this about 3 or 4 times over my 4 years here and each time I have anticipated getting the letter, still remembering (for the most part) what was in it. This time, however, I completely forgot about it. Even when I saw it, saw the date, and started reading it I was so confused as to when I had written it. Thankfully I somewhat know myself and so had written the setting in which I was writing it. I am always encouraged by these letters (to the point of crying at times). It is so good to see where I was at, to see where I thought I'd be going, and to see where I'm at now. Sometimes I wish I could keep what I have written so I can see my goals while I am going through the semester or whatever, but this way is good too.
We are leaving in 4 days! It is so hard to believe!
On another note: I got a letter today...from me. At the beginning of the semester, all the girls were split into groups and went from station to station throughout the school. One of the stations was in the "pit" in the lounge. At this stations, we were asked to write a letter to ourselves...something that the leadership would hold onto until around Christmas time. I've done something like this about 3 or 4 times over my 4 years here and each time I have anticipated getting the letter, still remembering (for the most part) what was in it. This time, however, I completely forgot about it. Even when I saw it, saw the date, and started reading it I was so confused as to when I had written it. Thankfully I somewhat know myself and so had written the setting in which I was writing it. I am always encouraged by these letters (to the point of crying at times). It is so good to see where I was at, to see where I thought I'd be going, and to see where I'm at now. Sometimes I wish I could keep what I have written so I can see my goals while I am going through the semester or whatever, but this way is good too.
We are leaving in 4 days! It is so hard to believe!
Friday, December 09, 2005
It is so hard to love people when you don't know how they need to be loved and when you are afraid of rejection. There are a few people here who I am trying to love, but it does not seem to make any difference. I think the hardest part is loving people while their actions tell me that I pretty much don't exist. Thankfully there are only two people who come to mind for that part. It would be so much easier to just to stop trying because it is probably the hardest thing for me to go through. But I know that no matter how many times I have done the same thing to God, He has remained faithful in His love for me. His love is not based on my actions, but on who He is. In the same way, I have been called to love people based not on their actions, but on who God is.
It is so hard to love people when you don't know how they need to be loved and when you are afraid of rejection. There are a few people here who I am trying to love, but it does not seem to make any difference. I think the hardest part is loving people while their actions tell me that I pretty much don't exist. Thankfully there are only two people who come to mind for that part. It would be so much easier to just to stop trying because it is probably the hardest thing for me to go through. But I know that no matter how many times I have done the same thing to God, He has remained faithful in His love for me. His love is not based on my actions, but on who He is. In the same way, I have been called to love people based not on their actions, but on who God is.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
ALIAS in real life?
So I got a letter recently stating that "There has existed for many years an exclusive association, a secret society of the world's most famous and powerful people....Members of the Nuova Tech Society have analyzed your profile....It seems you...possess several rare traits they are searching for...."
Of course they say that the information they sent me is confidential, so to keep it a secret, but you know - when they are sending this to people, trying to prey on their insecurities, offering false hope, trying to discount the work of God - I just can't let it go unsaid. It saddens me to know that there are people in this world who will fall in with this group, some people who are so prideful that they will turn their back on God with the expectation that their life will improve because of their own abilities.
Perhaps with some of them their life will seem to improve, but at what cost? They are forfeiting their souls! To be honest, even though my first thought was "Scam" I could see myself falling into their trap of flattery and false hope. Thankfully, however, I have a God who is bigger, a God who loves me, a God who has proven himself over and over again.
There have been other times recently where I have been challenged (not by people) to renounce God, times where I have been enticed to put my own needs ahead of God's desires, but yet again, God continues to be faithful and continues to show me the "bigger picture".
I am thankful for these "temptation in the desert" times because my faith matures as I rely on the one true God. He is my everything. Without Him I am and have nothing. As one of my favorite songs says, "Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold onto You, I'll hold onto You, I'll hold on to You sweet, sweet Jesus."
So I got a letter recently stating that "There has existed for many years an exclusive association, a secret society of the world's most famous and powerful people....Members of the Nuova Tech Society have analyzed your profile....It seems you...possess several rare traits they are searching for...."
Of course they say that the information they sent me is confidential, so to keep it a secret, but you know - when they are sending this to people, trying to prey on their insecurities, offering false hope, trying to discount the work of God - I just can't let it go unsaid. It saddens me to know that there are people in this world who will fall in with this group, some people who are so prideful that they will turn their back on God with the expectation that their life will improve because of their own abilities.
Perhaps with some of them their life will seem to improve, but at what cost? They are forfeiting their souls! To be honest, even though my first thought was "Scam" I could see myself falling into their trap of flattery and false hope. Thankfully, however, I have a God who is bigger, a God who loves me, a God who has proven himself over and over again.
There have been other times recently where I have been challenged (not by people) to renounce God, times where I have been enticed to put my own needs ahead of God's desires, but yet again, God continues to be faithful and continues to show me the "bigger picture".
I am thankful for these "temptation in the desert" times because my faith matures as I rely on the one true God. He is my everything. Without Him I am and have nothing. As one of my favorite songs says, "Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold onto You, I'll hold onto You, I'll hold on to You sweet, sweet Jesus."
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
To start: the FGBC Blog has been updated. (See link on side bar).
Now then...
How do you do the right thing when you are under pressure to get things done? How do you decide what the right thing is to do? When the people you respect so much are so set in their ways and so caught up in their own world that they lose sight of the truly important things, what do you do? How much do you put up with? When do you confront them? When do you just need to give up and walk away? When do you need to realize that not everything you think should happen should actually happen? BAH! ARG!
K, I'm done. Write more another time.
To start: the FGBC Blog has been updated. (See link on side bar).
Now then...
How do you do the right thing when you are under pressure to get things done? How do you decide what the right thing is to do? When the people you respect so much are so set in their ways and so caught up in their own world that they lose sight of the truly important things, what do you do? How much do you put up with? When do you confront them? When do you just need to give up and walk away? When do you need to realize that not everything you think should happen should actually happen? BAH! ARG!
K, I'm done. Write more another time.
Friday, December 02, 2005
There is a lot about me that I do not know. I so desperately want to meet someone who I can connect with on many levels. I have connected with some people, and they've been great connections, but there is always something missing; something that is a big part of who I am. Unfortunately I do not know what that part is exactly because I have not found a way to process it, nor have I found anyone who can teach me in it. All I know is that I am aching inside, knowing that a big part of me is unknown to all but God. Perhaps it will always be that way, but I long for it to be drawn out of me.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
I am so tired! My eyes are really sensitive right now.
While watching Kingdom of Heaven, reading blogs, and writing my internship journal, my heart has been penetrated once again. I have been reminded of the importance of loving people. I have been reminded that when I am searching people's hearts I become very in tune with the heart of God and am able to recognize the prompting of the Spirit. I have moved so far away from this calling in my life, but now I choose to come back to it.
Off to bed!
While watching Kingdom of Heaven, reading blogs, and writing my internship journal, my heart has been penetrated once again. I have been reminded of the importance of loving people. I have been reminded that when I am searching people's hearts I become very in tune with the heart of God and am able to recognize the prompting of the Spirit. I have moved so far away from this calling in my life, but now I choose to come back to it.
Off to bed!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
When I take time out to go pray, I easily fall asleep, yet when I go on the computer right after that, I can stay awake for hours. Frustrating! I suppose I'll go home to crash now. 'Night all. Sleep well. God, please hold us all safely in Your loving arms tonight, protecting us in our dreams, and let us be refreshed when we awaken, knowing what it is to love You and love one another. Amen.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
"As soon as a Christian recognizes that he has failed in his service, that his readiness has become feeble, and that he has sinned against another's life and become guilty of another's guilt, that all his joy in God has vanished and that his capacity for prayer has quite gone, it is high time for him to launch an assault upon the flesh, and prepare for better service by fasting and prayer (Luke 2.37; 4.2; Mark 9.29; I Cor. 7.5).... How is it possible to live the life of faith when we grow weary of prayer, when we lose our taste for reading the Bible, and when sleep, food and sensuality deprive us of the joy of communion with God?" -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I love God. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to love Him. I am grateful for the grace He offers. I am in awe of His creation. I am honored to be chosen by Him. I am blessed to be able to live in a community of other believers in a place where I can seek His face and learn what it means to live based on my relationship with Him. I am going to go to chapel now to worship God in and with the community that surrounds me.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Well, hopefully I am included among the few who remained faithful!

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla

To which race of Middle Earth do you belong?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Well, although today did not go as planned, I still had a great weekend watching volleyball and hanging out with friends.
I wonder if I will ever get to the place where I take my friends for granted. I hope not. My friends have always been a huge part of my life. I constantly recognize how blessed I am to have them in my life. While there are some friendships I am saddened by due to lack of connecting in recent times, those I have and those that are developing amaze me every day. Tonight I was talking to a friend about the lack of connection with some previously close friends and she said that part of it could be because in a school our size we can so easily take our friendships for granted because we see each other every day and even when we do talk it can so easily stay at surface-level.
There are few things that I am passionate about, but friendships is definitely one of those things. So many people do not clue into the importance of friends and family until they have lost someone or until they are on their deathbed. Please do not be one of those people! Look at those around you through new eyes and a renewed heart and have courage to be open and honest with each other. Be intentional in developing your friendships.
To each of my friends (I really hope you know who you are): I love you so much! I pray that you know that. God bless you all.
Love Sylvia:)
I wonder if I will ever get to the place where I take my friends for granted. I hope not. My friends have always been a huge part of my life. I constantly recognize how blessed I am to have them in my life. While there are some friendships I am saddened by due to lack of connecting in recent times, those I have and those that are developing amaze me every day. Tonight I was talking to a friend about the lack of connection with some previously close friends and she said that part of it could be because in a school our size we can so easily take our friendships for granted because we see each other every day and even when we do talk it can so easily stay at surface-level.
There are few things that I am passionate about, but friendships is definitely one of those things. So many people do not clue into the importance of friends and family until they have lost someone or until they are on their deathbed. Please do not be one of those people! Look at those around you through new eyes and a renewed heart and have courage to be open and honest with each other. Be intentional in developing your friendships.
To each of my friends (I really hope you know who you are): I love you so much! I pray that you know that. God bless you all.
Love Sylvia:)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
"It's just a cold."
I hate saying that more and more every time. That little word "just" minimizes the impact a cold has on a person. I've grown up hearing that sentence and saying it, so when I have a cold it does not seem right to miss class or meetings to stay at home and rest. On the other hand, it is so difficult to comprehend what is happening around me. It takes so much energy just to breathe. Yet because it's "just a cold" we are expected to continue on with everything as normal. Unfortunately, when this happens it is so much easier for this cold to spread to others, especially in such a clos-knit community. So now I decide in the next 9 minutes whether or not to go to class...
I hate saying that more and more every time. That little word "just" minimizes the impact a cold has on a person. I've grown up hearing that sentence and saying it, so when I have a cold it does not seem right to miss class or meetings to stay at home and rest. On the other hand, it is so difficult to comprehend what is happening around me. It takes so much energy just to breathe. Yet because it's "just a cold" we are expected to continue on with everything as normal. Unfortunately, when this happens it is so much easier for this cold to spread to others, especially in such a clos-knit community. So now I decide in the next 9 minutes whether or not to go to class...
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Friendship Quote For The Day:
The best friendships have weathered misunderstandings and trying times. One of the secrets of a good friendship is the ability to accept the storms.
---Alan Loy McGinnis.
I know I have weathered some misunderstandings with some great friends, sometimes without them even knowing it, which I know has happened to others where I am concerned. But once these storms have passed, the bond of friendship comes out stronger.
For those who are finding it difficult to weather the storms, think of how you can love the other regardless of how they are treating you. Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. Blessings upon you my friends.
The best friendships have weathered misunderstandings and trying times. One of the secrets of a good friendship is the ability to accept the storms.
---Alan Loy McGinnis.
I know I have weathered some misunderstandings with some great friends, sometimes without them even knowing it, which I know has happened to others where I am concerned. But once these storms have passed, the bond of friendship comes out stronger.
For those who are finding it difficult to weather the storms, think of how you can love the other regardless of how they are treating you. Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you. Blessings upon you my friends.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Wow...the FGBC web of blogging continues to multiply! It is hard to keep up at times, but I am truly enjoying reading what everyone has to write. Some things I read are surprising to me, some things are confirmation of my observations, and still other things are just plain crazy! In a good way. When it seems near impossible to connect with friends, blogging is a good way to keep up with what is going on in their lives and to let others know what's happening in your life (without having to find time to tell 10 different people the same thing). And for people like me, blogging is also good because we can take time to organize our thoughts and to present them in a way we think people could better understand...without getting interrupted. Though it is also a bad thing because then we might be drawn into the world of blogging so much so that we rarely, if ever, take time to talk to people about what's going on, which if we did take the time, we would likely find ourselves becoming more comfortable with speaking and more confident in our words and the way we express ourselves.
Hm...not where I thought I'd be going with that, but ok.
Well, I've got some homework to do before class, so I'd best be going. Adiós!
Hm...not where I thought I'd be going with that, but ok.
Well, I've got some homework to do before class, so I'd best be going. Adiós!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
It is a wonderful thing to go to a store for 2 specific items, only to find out those items are on sale!!! I FINALLY got a digital camera (Canon A510)! So I ended up getting the camera and upgraded memory card for about the same price I thought I was going to pay just for the camera.
We left Eston at 3:45pm and were in bed in Winnipeg by 3:30am. We hit the mall on Thursday afternoon where I bought, among other things, my camera, memory card, Courage Under Fire, and Primal Fear. We spent the evening at Sarah's, then watched Shrek 2 (which I went to bed during). Friday I watched tv and movies while the place was being prepared for Sarah's party. Family and friends came to celebrate, then Sarah, Nhi, Hyun Ju, and I went to Silver City to watch Doom. When I saw previews for it, part of me didn't want to see it, but it just seemed like the thing to do last night, so I went. While I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, nor would I call it a "good" movie, I really enjoyed it, as did the others I was with. The coloring, the angles, the suspense/intensity of it all came together to make an impressive movie.
Hyun Ju is currently at the Asian Market with Venetta (who knew Sarah's parents before Sarah was even born). The family is going to a wedding this afternoon and a birthday this evening. If it doesn't rain, or maybe even if it does, I want to go to the Forks and around downtown. I bought a map, so I'm hoping I can find my way, though I might see if Justin and Michelle want to hang out with Hyun Ju and I.
These trips to Winnipeg always go by so quickly! I can't believe we'll be on our way back to Eston at this time tomorrow! I hope we can visit with people in Moose Jaw on our way back.
I hope all you FGBCers are enjoying your Reading Break. See you soon:)
We left Eston at 3:45pm and were in bed in Winnipeg by 3:30am. We hit the mall on Thursday afternoon where I bought, among other things, my camera, memory card, Courage Under Fire, and Primal Fear. We spent the evening at Sarah's, then watched Shrek 2 (which I went to bed during). Friday I watched tv and movies while the place was being prepared for Sarah's party. Family and friends came to celebrate, then Sarah, Nhi, Hyun Ju, and I went to Silver City to watch Doom. When I saw previews for it, part of me didn't want to see it, but it just seemed like the thing to do last night, so I went. While I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, nor would I call it a "good" movie, I really enjoyed it, as did the others I was with. The coloring, the angles, the suspense/intensity of it all came together to make an impressive movie.
Hyun Ju is currently at the Asian Market with Venetta (who knew Sarah's parents before Sarah was even born). The family is going to a wedding this afternoon and a birthday this evening. If it doesn't rain, or maybe even if it does, I want to go to the Forks and around downtown. I bought a map, so I'm hoping I can find my way, though I might see if Justin and Michelle want to hang out with Hyun Ju and I.
These trips to Winnipeg always go by so quickly! I can't believe we'll be on our way back to Eston at this time tomorrow! I hope we can visit with people in Moose Jaw on our way back.
I hope all you FGBCers are enjoying your Reading Break. See you soon:)
Monday, November 07, 2005
(Go to Google, type in your name and the word “needs”)
According to Google, here are some of the things that I need:
Sylvia needs all the prayers that can be said.
Sylvia needs a public projection of her literary talents.
Falling rapidly into depression's black hole, Sylvia needs something more than platitudes.
Sylvia needs immediate medical attention.
Sylvia needs to get the song up to tempo.
Sylvia needs to treat Art as an unbeliever.
Sylvia needs friends.
There are things that Sylvia needs to talk about occasionally.
Sylvia needs all the strength that she can master.
Sylvia needs all the emotional support she can get.
Sylvia Needs A Father.
It's 10 after 1! I need to go home!!!
According to Google, here are some of the things that I need:
Sylvia needs all the prayers that can be said.
Sylvia needs a public projection of her literary talents.
Falling rapidly into depression's black hole, Sylvia needs something more than platitudes.
Sylvia needs immediate medical attention.
Sylvia needs to get the song up to tempo.
Sylvia needs to treat Art as an unbeliever.
Sylvia needs friends.
There are things that Sylvia needs to talk about occasionally.
Sylvia needs all the strength that she can master.
Sylvia needs all the emotional support she can get.
Sylvia Needs A Father.
It's 10 after 1! I need to go home!!!
What a crappy day...seriously! I did talk to somebody about it, so I won't get into it here, but it's still crappy nonetheless. I really am not up for being around most people today, let alone going to the recruitment supper to hang out with a bunch of people I never hang out with any other time (except for meetings with those I work with). I just want to play basketball and read my Bible. Though what kind of Christian does that make me...not wanting to be around people? And it's retarded because at church we're going through The Purpose Driven Life and this week's focus is on fellowship (chooing to be a member, sharing, something else, and kinship). Normally I am very big on my friendships and building relationships with people, but not today. I think I'm just tired. Not physically, but emotionally, spiritually perhaps. I have 40 minutes until I have to go for supper.
Friday, November 04, 2005
K, one of my friends emailed this to me and it made me laugh so hard, so I thought I'd share it with you. It is entitled HOW TO STOP PEOPLE FROM BUGGING YOU ABOUT WHEN YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
God has stirred up our hearts to pray and we have responded. We, as a college, came to recognize the intense spiritual attacks happening in this college. Class and Student Ministry meetings were cancelled and a bunch of us came together in Room 1 to pray and to seek the face of God. It was a beautiful time of surrender unto God and the work of the Holy Spirit. We repented as a Church and as Canadians. We came together at the front of the classroom to confess sins in general, then had our RDs, RAs, SRC, and WAT and Student Ministry leaders gather in the middle so we could pray for them, committed ourselves to submit to their authority and to pray for them throughout the year, and they committed themselves to submit to God. We took a brief break then had a time of one-on-one confession of sins, repentance for sins, and prayer for one another. We took another brief break, then came back and broke into groups of about 10 and (heading in different directions) "marched" in a line outside around the campus and dorms, praying for our school and the town. Our group detoured to Kentwood to pray over it as well, then continued on around the dorms and the campus. We got to the chapel to continue worshiping through music, prayer, and communion.
For those who are not here, please hold us up in your prayers. For those who are here and participated in this, please remember the commitments you made this day.
God has also been at work in physical healing: my friends' mom is done with chemo FOREVER! God, thank You so much for displaying Your love for us in these ways as well!
One thing that also stood out to me today during prayer: We live in a country of freedom, where we can preach the gospel without persecution, yet we (the Church) are hardly on the scene. OF COURSE WE'RE NOT BEING PERSECUTED!!! WE RARELY DO ANYTHING TO THREATEN THE ENEMY!!! (Apathy and complacency anyone?) When are we going to press into God and step out and make a difference in this world???
For those who are not here, please hold us up in your prayers. For those who are here and participated in this, please remember the commitments you made this day.
God has also been at work in physical healing: my friends' mom is done with chemo FOREVER! God, thank You so much for displaying Your love for us in these ways as well!
One thing that also stood out to me today during prayer: We live in a country of freedom, where we can preach the gospel without persecution, yet we (the Church) are hardly on the scene. OF COURSE WE'RE NOT BEING PERSECUTED!!! WE RARELY DO ANYTHING TO THREATEN THE ENEMY!!! (Apathy and complacency anyone?) When are we going to press into God and step out and make a difference in this world???
Monday, October 24, 2005
I strongly desire to do overseas missions. I have always had a desire to be immersed in the unknown and to find my place in sharing God's love with others. After I finish blogging, I am going to fill out my WAT form for going to China. I will talk to my mom in a couple days to find out if God has spoken to her about it. If she says yes or that she's not sure, then I will hand in my form. If she says no, I will likely submit to this once again.
I also have a strong desire for street ministry in cities in North America. I have done some of this in the past, but was not sure what to do. I have come to learn that to begin, I just need to ask them about themselves and listen to them share their stories. And seeing as this is one of my favorite past times, it shouldn't be a problem. Going to people, getting to know them...I can do that. God can work through this simple step.
No matter where I go, I just know that I need to go and to love.
Have a good night. God Bless.
I also have a strong desire for street ministry in cities in North America. I have done some of this in the past, but was not sure what to do. I have come to learn that to begin, I just need to ask them about themselves and listen to them share their stories. And seeing as this is one of my favorite past times, it shouldn't be a problem. Going to people, getting to know them...I can do that. God can work through this simple step.
No matter where I go, I just know that I need to go and to love.
Have a good night. God Bless.
I found out this afternoon that a few adventurous, risk-taking friends of mine could have died yesterday (a vehicle going over a cliff). One of them seems a little concerned about it, but they are just brushing it aside like an everyday occurence. I am SO thankful that they are okay! I am also at peace with our friendships, knowing that I would not have wished that I would have done more in our friendship. They have a special place in my heart and I am thankful that the world is blessed to have them here for a longer period of time.
To these friends: (if you happen to read this)...I love you so much!!! Take care.
To everyone: How are your relationships? Would you have wished you had done something more, or done something differently? Don't wait! You never know how much time you've got with those around you.
"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mt. 22:39).
"Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" (Eph. 4:26).
To these friends: (if you happen to read this)...I love you so much!!! Take care.
To everyone: How are your relationships? Would you have wished you had done something more, or done something differently? Don't wait! You never know how much time you've got with those around you.
"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mt. 22:39).
"Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry" (Eph. 4:26).
Friday, October 21, 2005
This is inspired by two friends of a friend and a lunch conversation today...
When I go throughout my day, I am often caught up in my own little world, with my own problems, needs, and desires. Once in a while I will get out of this view of the world, that "It's all about me", will begin to see the needs of those around me. Once I see these needs, sometimes I will go to the people and will talk with them or give them what they are needing, other times I will think about doing these things, but not do anything about it because of fear and selfishness. I was reading previous entries in some people's blogs or whatever today and was struck by the Christlikeness of one individual and reminded of that same Christlikeness of another individual when I had read that person's blog. These two people are not afraid to approach people of any appearance, nor do they "go out of their way" to talk to total strangers. It has become a natural part of who they are. They do not fous on the outward appearance of people, but rather they see those people as people with a story, people with a purpose, and they will engage them in conversation and love on them in an unconditional way. I greatly admire these two individuals because of this and desire to show this love to others, rather than being caught up in being intimidated by people, or wondering why nobody is showing me that they love me, or being "too busy" to stop and give and receive the love of God.
When I go throughout my day, I am often caught up in my own little world, with my own problems, needs, and desires. Once in a while I will get out of this view of the world, that "It's all about me", will begin to see the needs of those around me. Once I see these needs, sometimes I will go to the people and will talk with them or give them what they are needing, other times I will think about doing these things, but not do anything about it because of fear and selfishness. I was reading previous entries in some people's blogs or whatever today and was struck by the Christlikeness of one individual and reminded of that same Christlikeness of another individual when I had read that person's blog. These two people are not afraid to approach people of any appearance, nor do they "go out of their way" to talk to total strangers. It has become a natural part of who they are. They do not fous on the outward appearance of people, but rather they see those people as people with a story, people with a purpose, and they will engage them in conversation and love on them in an unconditional way. I greatly admire these two individuals because of this and desire to show this love to others, rather than being caught up in being intimidated by people, or wondering why nobody is showing me that they love me, or being "too busy" to stop and give and receive the love of God.
Monday, October 17, 2005
I miss doing gratis (campus service). I had so much fun tonight, I just wanted to keep going...so I did! Clearing trays, wiping tables, putting away some small and large sink items, kitchen laundry. Yep! It's all good! Even though there was less kitchen laundry than I thought there was going to be, I decided to do a couple loads because I remember how frustrating it was when we had nights like this when everyone would storm the kitchen to clean it, leaving so many extra towels and cloths to be washed, and how people wouldn't think of that gratis because it's not as in the open as most other kitchen gratises. Well, I'm off to do some more laundry before I head home to get ready for another sleepover in the dorm! Dorm 4 this time!!!
The problem with blog-ranting is that if you haven't talked to the person you are ranting about and that person ends up reading what you've written, or other people know who you are ranting about, is that it can cause tension. So I suppose that until I talk to the person or decide it would be beneficial to blog-rant about the circumstances, I will hold onto it because I am not ready to deal with that kind of tension yet, or possibly ever. I know it's not guaranteed that the person will read what has been written, but there is always a chance. GRRRR!!!!! Please pray for me! I need to pray about this before I make anymore decisions. Why am I putting it (praying about it) off??? AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Anyways, goodnight all.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Why do I resist playing the sports that I love???
Last night my hands had the privilege of holding the most amazing football ever! It just felt so right in my hands. The amount of air, the weight, and most importantly: the texture! My fingertips have never been so happy. If heaven was a football...*sigh*
There was some sort of mix up, so Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants will have to wait another week to be watched :(
My Canucks are winning at the moment :)
I am hungry. Perhaps I will go home for supper.
But first, I have a book to return.
Last night my hands had the privilege of holding the most amazing football ever! It just felt so right in my hands. The amount of air, the weight, and most importantly: the texture! My fingertips have never been so happy. If heaven was a football...*sigh*
There was some sort of mix up, so Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants will have to wait another week to be watched :(
My Canucks are winning at the moment :)
I am hungry. Perhaps I will go home for supper.
But first, I have a book to return.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Who are You?
You created the earth and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.
Grieved that You made man on earth, You flooded the earth, killing all but 8 people and 2 of every kind of animal.
You sit and talk with a Samaritan woman and You open Your arms to the little children to come to You.
You send Your chosen people to destroy other "nations", specifying that no one is to be left alive, including women and children.
You are my King.
You are a Servant.
You are just.
You are merciful.
You are the Lion of Judah.
You are the Lamb who was slain.
You are transcendent.
You are imminent.
You are a Warrior.
You are the Lover of my soul.
You ask me to go into all the world.
You ask me to be still.
You were.
You are.
You are to come.
You reveal so much of Yourself.
You will always be a mystery.
You are faithful even when I am faithless.
You give and take away.
You give me freedom when I become Your servant.
So many things to wrap my mind around. God, thank You for not giving up on me. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for allowing me to contemplate the paradox that is You. Thank You for letting me cry. Thank You for letting me laugh. Thank You for giving me a heart that can break and that can love. Thank You for the peace You give me in the midst of all that comes with this life. Thank You for being patient when I am not. Thank You for who You are.
You created the earth and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.
Grieved that You made man on earth, You flooded the earth, killing all but 8 people and 2 of every kind of animal.
You sit and talk with a Samaritan woman and You open Your arms to the little children to come to You.
You send Your chosen people to destroy other "nations", specifying that no one is to be left alive, including women and children.
You are my King.
You are a Servant.
You are just.
You are merciful.
You are the Lion of Judah.
You are the Lamb who was slain.
You are transcendent.
You are imminent.
You are a Warrior.
You are the Lover of my soul.
You ask me to go into all the world.
You ask me to be still.
You were.
You are.
You are to come.
You reveal so much of Yourself.
You will always be a mystery.
You are faithful even when I am faithless.
You give and take away.
You give me freedom when I become Your servant.
So many things to wrap my mind around. God, thank You for not giving up on me. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for allowing me to contemplate the paradox that is You. Thank You for letting me cry. Thank You for letting me laugh. Thank You for giving me a heart that can break and that can love. Thank You for the peace You give me in the midst of all that comes with this life. Thank You for being patient when I am not. Thank You for who You are.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Ever have one of those days where you can't seem to get anything done no matter how hard you try? I love this song ("I Can Only Imagine"). I need to come into the office later so I can make some phone calls to people who wouldn't be home now. I'm going to a school in K-town tomorrow with Danielle and possibly a couple others. I've gotta get a 10ish minute testimony together for it. I'm excited to go do this, but I know it'll have to be all God. I think I'll leave work now 'cause it's pretty pointless being here right now. I'm looking forward to chapel tonight. I'm expecting great things from God.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Hm...go figure...
![]() | doxasky took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test! "Needs a change in her circumstances or in her rela..."
Saturday, October 01, 2005
There were a few of us watching Law and Order:SVU tonight and Matthew brought up the question: What do you say to someone who's not a Christian who's asking about a person who rapes/murders/etc people and then becomes a Christian pretty much right away? We all got distracted pretty quickly and didn't discuss this at all, but it really stuck with me. This is something I have contemplated before and I have some idea, but I would like to hear what you think.
Friday, September 30, 2005
I am amazed by His beauty that surrounds me and that is coming out in me. He is always showing me that He loves me. I need to be more intentional in showing Him that I love Him. What is my priority in life? I say that it is God, but is that how I live? In some aspects, yes, but there are other areas that I need to give Him. I know in my head and through experience that life is meaningless without God. The following Scripture and song point this out quite clearly:
"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." (John 6:67-69)
Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You, sweet, sweet Jesus..."
These are so simple, yet there is unbelievable truth in them. How is your relationship with God going?
I am amazed by His beauty that surrounds me and that is coming out in me. He is always showing me that He loves me. I need to be more intentional in showing Him that I love Him. What is my priority in life? I say that it is God, but is that how I live? In some aspects, yes, but there are other areas that I need to give Him. I know in my head and through experience that life is meaningless without God. The following Scripture and song point this out quite clearly:
"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God." (John 6:67-69)
Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You, sweet, sweet Jesus..."
These are so simple, yet there is unbelievable truth in them. How is your relationship with God going?
I feel so blessed by how my life is going right now. Actually, from what I remember, the last 4 months have been picture perfect. Yesterday was a continuation of this. After work I went home and helped my roommate a little with supper, then I went to watch Alias with some great people. After Alias I got to enjoy a really good birthday supper with a few very dear friends. I got a really cute teddybear with an "I love Eston, Saskatchewan" pin on it. Another good friend phoned and we shared in good conversation. I miss her so much! After visiting with a couple friends, I went for a walk with another friend. We went for ice cream, then walked a larger Eston lap, looked at the stars (I finally got to see the little dipper!!!) and talked, then headed home.
This morning (with the exception of postponing getting out of bed), has also been good. I got a decent stack of work done and we had class pictures, which I don't think could have gone any better. (A limited number of you will understand this).
I am looking forward to having the opportunity to sleep in tomorrow. Whether or not my body will use this opportunity is in question (as it rebelled on Thursday morning by being wide awake at 4:20am!).
If you have not checked out the FGBC blog or Unfolded Alumni (ua), I encourage you to click on the links on the side of my page and check them out.
And just as an update...we are continually seeing God boldly at work in our chapel services! If you want to know more, ask those of us who are here.
This morning (with the exception of postponing getting out of bed), has also been good. I got a decent stack of work done and we had class pictures, which I don't think could have gone any better. (A limited number of you will understand this).
I am looking forward to having the opportunity to sleep in tomorrow. Whether or not my body will use this opportunity is in question (as it rebelled on Thursday morning by being wide awake at 4:20am!).
If you have not checked out the FGBC blog or Unfolded Alumni (ua), I encourage you to click on the links on the side of my page and check them out.
And just as an update...we are continually seeing God boldly at work in our chapel services! If you want to know more, ask those of us who are here.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I am amazed by His beauty that surrounds me and that is coming out in me. He is always showing me that He loves me. I need to be more intentional in showing Him that I love Him. What is my priority in life? I say that it is God, but is that how I live? In some aspects, yes, but there are other areas that I need to give Him. I know in my head and through experience that life is meaningless without God. The following Scripture and song point this out quite clearly:
"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."(John 6:67-69)
Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You, sweet, sweet Jesus..."
These are so simple, yet there is unbelievable truth in them. How is your relationship with God going?
I am amazed by His beauty that surrounds me and that is coming out in me. He is always showing me that He loves me. I need to be more intentional in showing Him that I love Him. What is my priority in life? I say that it is God, but is that how I live? In some aspects, yes, but there are other areas that I need to give Him. I know in my head and through experience that life is meaningless without God. The following Scripture and song point this out quite clearly:
"You do not want to leave too, do you?" Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God."(John 6:67-69)
Where could I go without You? Far, far away I would fall apart. Who could I be without You? Why even try without You? I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You. I'll hold on to You, sweet, sweet Jesus..."
These are so simple, yet there is unbelievable truth in them. How is your relationship with God going?
Monday, September 26, 2005
Today is a great day! It truly is wonderful! It is a new beginning. The slate is swept clean. Ah! How fitting! A card just arrived with a picture of a girl who has butterfly wings. She is kneeling in the centre of a flower and she has stars coming from her hands. Today is my 26th birthday and I greatly look forward to the growth and changes that are before me.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
I don't know the original source of this, but...
European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.
The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesom "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograph 20% shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage when more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always been a deterrent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the fourth year people will be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords containing "ou" and after ze fifz year, ve wil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.
Zer vil be no more trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve wil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
If zis mad yu smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.
I don't know the original source of this, but...
European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.
As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".
In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy.
The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.
There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesom "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograph 20% shorter.
In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage when more komplikated changes are possible.
Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always been a deterrent to akurate speling.
Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.
By the fourth year people will be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".
During ze fifz year, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords containing "ou" and after ze fifz year, ve wil hav a reil sensibl riten styl.
Zer vil be no more trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi tu understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.
Und efter ze fifz yer, ve wil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas.
If zis mad yu smil, pleas pas on to oza pepl.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
there is a reason for everything...i often question what those reasons are, and rarely get an answer, at least not before i actually ask someone, but today i got an answer today before i even got the chance to ask the question...sorry about talking in "code".
i am excited about my class this semester. i've never really been keen on learning about history, but since i've come to fgbi/c i have gained a greater appreciation for it, as i have begun to learn the importance of history.
i totally forgot i had left the computer and msn and blogger on all night! i hope this computer has speakers, but i have a feeling i will be disappointed.
i am missing out on a large part of the community of this school that i have loved even before i was a student here. i am aching to spend time with people. i need to make some new arrangements.
i am excited about my class this semester. i've never really been keen on learning about history, but since i've come to fgbi/c i have gained a greater appreciation for it, as i have begun to learn the importance of history.
i totally forgot i had left the computer and msn and blogger on all night! i hope this computer has speakers, but i have a feeling i will be disappointed.
i am missing out on a large part of the community of this school that i have loved even before i was a student here. i am aching to spend time with people. i need to make some new arrangements.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
For those of you not at the school...yes, I AM still alive! I have been so consumed with work since I got here that I have not had much time for my own computer and phone stuff. I was feeling completely overwhelmed on Friday and Saturday, but once Sunday hit, I was much more at peace about my internship. And I double-checked some things with Danielle today and am continuing to enjoy this peace about the amount of time I have, while still knowing I face many challenges within this internship. I believe the most difficult part of my internship project will be the first things I have to work on, so once that's done I will be doing stuff that I know I love and that I know I can do.
I love this keyboard! The school got some new DELL computers and while I don't have one of those computers, I do have the keyboard and monitor from one. It's beautiful! It just feels so right under my fingertips.
I am excited that I now realize that I will not have to keep working so much overtime. It's supposed to be a part time internship, but in 14 days I had worked over 100 hours! But things are already slowing down a little, allowing me to have time to have a life.
Check out Unfolded Alumni!
I love this keyboard! The school got some new DELL computers and while I don't have one of those computers, I do have the keyboard and monitor from one. It's beautiful! It just feels so right under my fingertips.
I am excited that I now realize that I will not have to keep working so much overtime. It's supposed to be a part time internship, but in 14 days I had worked over 100 hours! But things are already slowing down a little, allowing me to have time to have a life.
Check out Unfolded Alumni!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
I came to the office tonight thinking that I had forgotten to put a paper in everyone's folders, but when I went to start putting them in, I realized they were already in there. That was such a nice feeling. I really must stop doubting myself, though sometimes it's good because I know I have already forgotten things this past week. But we actually have it together. I am loving my internship and am so often on the same wavelength as my mentor. It's great! After I fill in my day planner with some meetings I am going to make a phone call to see if I can go to the place where I can feel comfortable and relaxed. I am starting to feel this way just thinking about it. I wish it was my place where I felt this way, but perhaps in time it will be. So hopefully I will soon go to this place that feels like home. In fact, I think I'll call now...Yay! Going to Cat's for ice cream, then to read and relax. Adiós!
Monday, August 29, 2005
What a crazy week! I left Calgary last Sunday, arrived in Eston and unpacked some stuff, then packed other stuff for Staff Retreat. Staff Retreat went well. I was so excited to be able to swim in a lake again! Got back to Eston, stayed in the dorms for 2 nights. Started my internship on Wednesday. I LOVE what I'm doing! I am having some "lack of personal space/freedom" issues, but hopefully those will be dealt with soon enough. We went to the President's Ball tonight. Amazing food as always! And it was even better time because it was the Miller's 24th Anniversary and evelyn's birthday. I can faintly hear Jason Upton playing in the background (from downstairs I believe). It's beautiful. Speaking of beautiful...the sky (what I like to call God's ever-changing painting) captivates me so easily. I am still being romanced by my God and I am loving every second of it! My mind so easily wanders to Him. *sigh*
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I am constantly amazed at how quickly I can connect with so many people. I just got back from getting my hair done and had a great 2 hour talk with the person doing my hair. We had quite a bit in common. If I do end up moving back here it wouldn't surprise me if we got to be good friends. This is now 3 people I have met this summer who I have felt a quick connection with. Maybe moving here wouldn't be so bad after all!
Oh! I was listening to the radio (Shine FM) while I was getting ready for my appointment and just before I was going to turn it off, there was a contest. I called and ended up winning 2 Bananas Comedy DVDs! I'm so excited! Hopefully I can pick those up on my way to work.
Eston in 3 days!!!!!!!!
Oh! I was listening to the radio (Shine FM) while I was getting ready for my appointment and just before I was going to turn it off, there was a contest. I called and ended up winning 2 Bananas Comedy DVDs! I'm so excited! Hopefully I can pick those up on my way to work.
Eston in 3 days!!!!!!!!
I didn't think I'd be eating my words this time...especially so soon! While I was at work tonight I got overwhelmed with the feeling and idea that after grad I will be in Calgary for at least a few years. I was thinking about trying to get a job at VersaCold again as well as make better use of my spare time by volunteering at the Dream Centre. Right after this came so powerfully to me, my supervisor said she wanted my contact info so she could get a hold of me if she needed me again after grad! Me...living in Calgary...for more than this summer...I never would have thought it! I still have mixed feelings about it...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I am excited to get back to school! I will have the opportunity to get to know the new staff and to get to know the returning staff on a new level. I will be able to see some of my friends again. I will be able to take part of one aspect of stress off of Danielle. I will have the opportunity to put into practice the things God has been teaching me. I am anticipating great things for this year. I must try to make the most of every opportunity. I must make a conscious effort...daily.
God, thank You for lifting my spirits via a 3am msn convo with a friend.
God, thank You for lifting my spirits via a 3am msn convo with a friend.
I Hate/I Love
I hate saying goodbye. Whether it's with people I have known for years or those who I have only just started getting to know. ("It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."--Yes, but it sure doesn't feel like it some times! I hate it when it seems I am the only one making an effort in a relationship. I hate how draining it is to put everything I am into my relationships. I hate losing friendships. I hate getting to the point where I consider not making any effort in my relationships and seeing what happens because this thought goes through my mind so often, and yet I refuse to give into it because if I start playing games like that I will miss out on some great times with some great people. I hate not knowing where to draw the line. I hate how important friends are to me. I hate my insecurities and fears. I hate having difficulty expressing what I'm thinking/feeling. I hate my lack of discipline.
I love the fact that God uses my friends and my thoughts of friendship to talk to me/teach me. I love the underlying peace He has given me...even in the midst of heartache. I love that people can feel free to talk for hours on end without being interrupted and know they are being listened to. I love that I learned how to think. I love the blue-black transition of the sky at night, as well as the sunrises and sunsets. I love it when God and His Word are revealed to me in new ways. I love the fact that God never gives up on us. I love the people God has brought into my life (for any length of time/for any purpose). I love that I have been so blessed to have someone in my life who I could tell anything to and know that they would still love me and still want our friendship to continue and grow. I love that God is in control of everything and that he always does what is best.
I hate saying goodbye. Whether it's with people I have known for years or those who I have only just started getting to know. ("It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."--Yes, but it sure doesn't feel like it some times! I hate it when it seems I am the only one making an effort in a relationship. I hate how draining it is to put everything I am into my relationships. I hate losing friendships. I hate getting to the point where I consider not making any effort in my relationships and seeing what happens because this thought goes through my mind so often, and yet I refuse to give into it because if I start playing games like that I will miss out on some great times with some great people. I hate not knowing where to draw the line. I hate how important friends are to me. I hate my insecurities and fears. I hate having difficulty expressing what I'm thinking/feeling. I hate my lack of discipline.
I love the fact that God uses my friends and my thoughts of friendship to talk to me/teach me. I love the underlying peace He has given me...even in the midst of heartache. I love that people can feel free to talk for hours on end without being interrupted and know they are being listened to. I love that I learned how to think. I love the blue-black transition of the sky at night, as well as the sunrises and sunsets. I love it when God and His Word are revealed to me in new ways. I love the fact that God never gives up on us. I love the people God has brought into my life (for any length of time/for any purpose). I love that I have been so blessed to have someone in my life who I could tell anything to and know that they would still love me and still want our friendship to continue and grow. I love that God is in control of everything and that he always does what is best.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Ok, for those of you who remember my date with God in November, I would just like to say that my whole life is like that right now! I was surprised I hadn't blogged about my date with God, but I now realize that it is because I cannot do it justice. But anyways. I finished reading "Captivating" yesterday. (Was it only yesterday???). God has been doing so much in my life this whole summer, but very much so in the last couple days! I am finally at a place where my eyes, heart, and mind are focused on Him. I am so very much in love with my God and He is in love with me! This truth is putting so many things into perspective for me. I know there will likely come a time when I do not FEEL this way, but I am enjoying every moment of this! He has made me aware of the power and authority that He has given me in Jesus Christ. I have been reading people's blogs and talking with people and I am giddy! Seeing God moving so strongly in so many lives, not only that, but in the lives of people I know, in the lives of my friends...I cannot, nor do I want to, contain the joy that is overcoming me! We will continue to be in battle this year, but I can see that God has been preparing us and that we are ready for battle. We are truly ready to stand firm, to hold our ground, and to fight the Enemy! Daily, we will put on the armor of God, and we will do so consciously! This is it!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Sunday, July 31, 2005
I got a Mac Sports lawnchair last night from Coralee and her parents for my birthday. I am so excited! It unintentionally got named Teddy because I was hugging it...yes, a chair...and I told Coralee I now had a teddychair.
I went to visit my friend Rachel (who used to work at VersaCold) yesterday. She's the one who was in the bad car accident on Thursday. She's home, which is good, but she's still in a lot of pain. And she was supposed to leave today for Ireland, England, and Scotland, but the doctor said she couldn't go. I obviously wish that the accident never happened and that she could go on her trip, but at the same time I am thankful that we are going to have more time to get to know each other. Even with the little I know, she seems like one of the sweetest people in the world and we have a lot of the same interests. I'm really going to miss her when I leave. I can't believe there's only 3 weeks left!!!
Today was the youth pastor's last day at our church. I never got to know him or his wife, but just knowing them from afar I could tell that they were great people. And the words people said about them today just made it even more real. It was a very emotional service, even for myself though I've only been there for 3 months (wow...it's been 3 months already!). I have always had a heart for youth and I have been in their place before (having a great youth leader leave) so my heart was just aching for them this morning.
About a week ago I wrote about "Captivating". Well, I would just like to say that I had my first "twirling skirt, 'Am I lovely?'" experience this morning. As we were singing this morning I started off feeling as though I was singing to the world about the love of my life, then as songs changed, it was me singing to the love of my life, adoring Him and having only eyes for Him, then it was us having a truly intimate moment that I cannot even explain. Rather than me planning a date with God, He planned it with me. It was the most wonderful experience of my life. My God loves me! His eyes are on me! His heart is for me! I was filled with the joy that my love had found me! I pictured myself in a field dancing, twirling my skirt, and not even needing to ask "Am I lovely?" because I knew He thought so. My love has found me! He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me...
Just as in Intergrative Seminar I could feel the way I think changing, so now I know that the way I see myself is changing. I am truly beginning to discover this beautiful masterpiece my God created. Whenever I am outside, no matter the season or time of day, I am awe of the beauty all around me. The sun, the green grass, the fields, the mountains, the trees, the blue sky, the oceans and lakes, the moon, the stars, the wind, the snow, the thunder and lightning, the rainthe sunrises and sunsets...all of it. I have always had a deep love for what my God has created. Over the past few years, I have also come to understand people in this same light...the beauty of God's creation. This has helped me to see people in a new way, a better way. And recently I have started to become aware of the fact that I, too, am part of His creation, meaning I am beautiful. I still have a ways to go before this sinks in so deep that it has long-term life transformation for me, but to finally be in the beginning stage is amazing!
I went to visit my friend Rachel (who used to work at VersaCold) yesterday. She's the one who was in the bad car accident on Thursday. She's home, which is good, but she's still in a lot of pain. And she was supposed to leave today for Ireland, England, and Scotland, but the doctor said she couldn't go. I obviously wish that the accident never happened and that she could go on her trip, but at the same time I am thankful that we are going to have more time to get to know each other. Even with the little I know, she seems like one of the sweetest people in the world and we have a lot of the same interests. I'm really going to miss her when I leave. I can't believe there's only 3 weeks left!!!
Today was the youth pastor's last day at our church. I never got to know him or his wife, but just knowing them from afar I could tell that they were great people. And the words people said about them today just made it even more real. It was a very emotional service, even for myself though I've only been there for 3 months (wow...it's been 3 months already!). I have always had a heart for youth and I have been in their place before (having a great youth leader leave) so my heart was just aching for them this morning.
About a week ago I wrote about "Captivating". Well, I would just like to say that I had my first "twirling skirt, 'Am I lovely?'" experience this morning. As we were singing this morning I started off feeling as though I was singing to the world about the love of my life, then as songs changed, it was me singing to the love of my life, adoring Him and having only eyes for Him, then it was us having a truly intimate moment that I cannot even explain. Rather than me planning a date with God, He planned it with me. It was the most wonderful experience of my life. My God loves me! His eyes are on me! His heart is for me! I was filled with the joy that my love had found me! I pictured myself in a field dancing, twirling my skirt, and not even needing to ask "Am I lovely?" because I knew He thought so. My love has found me! He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me...
Just as in Intergrative Seminar I could feel the way I think changing, so now I know that the way I see myself is changing. I am truly beginning to discover this beautiful masterpiece my God created. Whenever I am outside, no matter the season or time of day, I am awe of the beauty all around me. The sun, the green grass, the fields, the mountains, the trees, the blue sky, the oceans and lakes, the moon, the stars, the wind, the snow, the thunder and lightning, the rainthe sunrises and sunsets...all of it. I have always had a deep love for what my God has created. Over the past few years, I have also come to understand people in this same light...the beauty of God's creation. This has helped me to see people in a new way, a better way. And recently I have started to become aware of the fact that I, too, am part of His creation, meaning I am beautiful. I still have a ways to go before this sinks in so deep that it has long-term life transformation for me, but to finally be in the beginning stage is amazing!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Well, if you want an update on what my weekends have looked like this past month, just take a look at Coralou's blog for July 25th. It's all there, summed up nicely but still with good detail!
I got a letter from my mom yesterday. Ya, she didn't even mention the stuff I had written in my last letter. Now I have to (for my own sake) decide if I want to 1)just drop it because I realize a)she doesn't care or b)she doesn't know how to talk about it and 2)tell her what response I was hoping for this time and last time (which was last year when I wrote her a letter). You see, after seeing and hearing about the relationships that some of the women I respect have with their mothers I have wondered why it has not been like that between my mom and I and have taken to writing letters to my mom about personal issues in my life. Unfortunately (in my eyes) this has not even come close to happening.
Do you think things ARE getting worse in our days or do you think that we are just more aware of more things as we get older?
I have been taken back in time too many times this week: I found out 3 of my friends were invloved in 3 different car accidents. Yesterday's accident was really bad. I found out about it when I got to work so I was pretty shaken up all night. Everyone (in all 3 accidents) will be fine. It's just those haunting words of "What if...?" and "If only..."
I got off work at about 3:45am and was home and asleep by 4am. Unfortunately I could only sleep until 9:50am. I don't know why. We will be one person short in the office from today until August 10th (which is when we get someone in to train so they can replace me when I leave). So today I go in at 3pm instead of 4pm, and unless something actually works out today I will still be there until a ridiculous time of night/morning. On the bright side, all of this over-time is helping me pay off my Visa:)
I have more to write, but I think this is long enough for now. But I won't leave without saying: 14 WORK DAYS LEFT!!! 23 DAYS TILL I'M IN ESTON!!!
I got a letter from my mom yesterday. Ya, she didn't even mention the stuff I had written in my last letter. Now I have to (for my own sake) decide if I want to 1)just drop it because I realize a)she doesn't care or b)she doesn't know how to talk about it and 2)tell her what response I was hoping for this time and last time (which was last year when I wrote her a letter). You see, after seeing and hearing about the relationships that some of the women I respect have with their mothers I have wondered why it has not been like that between my mom and I and have taken to writing letters to my mom about personal issues in my life. Unfortunately (in my eyes) this has not even come close to happening.
Do you think things ARE getting worse in our days or do you think that we are just more aware of more things as we get older?
I have been taken back in time too many times this week: I found out 3 of my friends were invloved in 3 different car accidents. Yesterday's accident was really bad. I found out about it when I got to work so I was pretty shaken up all night. Everyone (in all 3 accidents) will be fine. It's just those haunting words of "What if...?" and "If only..."
I got off work at about 3:45am and was home and asleep by 4am. Unfortunately I could only sleep until 9:50am. I don't know why. We will be one person short in the office from today until August 10th (which is when we get someone in to train so they can replace me when I leave). So today I go in at 3pm instead of 4pm, and unless something actually works out today I will still be there until a ridiculous time of night/morning. On the bright side, all of this over-time is helping me pay off my Visa:)
I have more to write, but I think this is long enough for now. But I won't leave without saying: 14 WORK DAYS LEFT!!! 23 DAYS TILL I'M IN ESTON!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
As I began reading "Captivating" my eyes welled up. I felt as though, finally, someone understood me. This was in the first two pages (Introduction). As I continued on, I felt shutdown once again. They were discussing childhood memories of little girls playing dress-up, asking verbally or with their eyes if they were beautiful; twirling in skirts, sparkling ones were best; dreaming of their wedding day; etc. I have heard this as the norm my whole life, but these are not the memories of my childhood. They were never part of it. So disappointment comes once again. Oh to be understood! Oh to understand!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Perhaps one year I will remember my blogging birthday on the actual date! (It was on the 18th). 2 years now...crazy! I've been going through my archives and others, seeing where we were at a year or 2 ago. It always helps me to put things in perspective when i do this, just seeing where I've come from, what things were important at the same time in past years. I'll probably check my old journal entries too. This is nuts: I got off work at 12:30am tonight and it's already 4:15am and I'm not in bed! Well, hopefully that will help me to sleep in longer tomorrow (today). I am almost finished "The Jesus I Never Knew". It is such a good book. I highly recommend it. If I get off work at a decent time tomorrow (ie. by 10:30pm), Coralee and I will leave for Red Deer tomorrow night. That is of course if I ever get around to asking a couple people if we cans tay at their place for the night. Then Saturday morning we'll be off to Edmonton. I am looking forward to staying home and relaxing on the long weekend and watching Alias of course! Well, I should head to bed soon. Goodnight!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Well, now that I actually have some time...
I had an AMAZING weekend! First off, Coralee and I rented Alias Season 1 last Sunday and finished watching the last 3 episodes on Saturday afternoon. Saturday night we picked Gail up near the Stampede, then met some friends at Mount Royal College to watch Shakepeare in the Park. They were performing "Much Ado About Nothing". It was good. It started raining part way through, but it didn't last long. On Sunday we went to Church, came back home, hung out for a while, and took Gail to meet up with Karla, Curtis, Chris, Abi, and Daniel. After visiting with them for a few minutes, Coralee and I went to the Stampede. We found parking for $4 for the night, the went to the RoundUp Centre for a bit...saw part of the Superdog show, had supper, saw a huge house-of-cards, then went to get tickets for rush seating for the Grandstand Show. This was the main reason I wanted to go to the Stampede. I was really looking forward to the chuckwagon races. We got our tickets and were seated an hour before the show started. We had great seats, but soon realized we were not sitting where we were supposed to be. We got up to try to find 2 seats together in the rush-seating areas, but it was a no-go. We were told we could go to the tarmack to stand there for the show, so we started on our way. We decided to sit in a couple seats until the people came with their tickets to sit there...but they never did! It was great! The seats weren't as good as the ones we were originally in, but they were a lot better than the rush-seating seats! I lvoed the chuckwagon races, though I was having troubles focusing because I kept thinking someone was going to come make us move. When the TransAlta Light Up The Night show started, I finally settled down 'cause I figured nobody was coming for these seats. I was blown away by the show! For a while I just found it really entertaining, but after a while it became more than that. I was seeing things through new eyes. Watching the variety of talents on that stage; from the set design and production, to the dancers, gymnasts, martial artists, singers, and so much more, to the fireworks display...all of this beautiful creativeness, with the God-created earth and sky all around...it brought tears to my eyes...tears of joy and hope. I was once again in awe of my King. I could not stop worhiping Him and praising Him for the rest of the show and afterwards. My God, Who created the earth and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. He is the Creator! Every ounce of creativeness in every person comes from God! Being amazed by the abilities of all of these people drew me to be overwhelmed by the abilities of my God!
I had an AMAZING weekend! First off, Coralee and I rented Alias Season 1 last Sunday and finished watching the last 3 episodes on Saturday afternoon. Saturday night we picked Gail up near the Stampede, then met some friends at Mount Royal College to watch Shakepeare in the Park. They were performing "Much Ado About Nothing". It was good. It started raining part way through, but it didn't last long. On Sunday we went to Church, came back home, hung out for a while, and took Gail to meet up with Karla, Curtis, Chris, Abi, and Daniel. After visiting with them for a few minutes, Coralee and I went to the Stampede. We found parking for $4 for the night, the went to the RoundUp Centre for a bit...saw part of the Superdog show, had supper, saw a huge house-of-cards, then went to get tickets for rush seating for the Grandstand Show. This was the main reason I wanted to go to the Stampede. I was really looking forward to the chuckwagon races. We got our tickets and were seated an hour before the show started. We had great seats, but soon realized we were not sitting where we were supposed to be. We got up to try to find 2 seats together in the rush-seating areas, but it was a no-go. We were told we could go to the tarmack to stand there for the show, so we started on our way. We decided to sit in a couple seats until the people came with their tickets to sit there...but they never did! It was great! The seats weren't as good as the ones we were originally in, but they were a lot better than the rush-seating seats! I lvoed the chuckwagon races, though I was having troubles focusing because I kept thinking someone was going to come make us move. When the TransAlta Light Up The Night show started, I finally settled down 'cause I figured nobody was coming for these seats. I was blown away by the show! For a while I just found it really entertaining, but after a while it became more than that. I was seeing things through new eyes. Watching the variety of talents on that stage; from the set design and production, to the dancers, gymnasts, martial artists, singers, and so much more, to the fireworks display...all of this beautiful creativeness, with the God-created earth and sky all around...it brought tears to my eyes...tears of joy and hope. I was once again in awe of my King. I could not stop worhiping Him and praising Him for the rest of the show and afterwards. My God, Who created the earth and everything in it, the world and all who live in it. He is the Creator! Every ounce of creativeness in every person comes from God! Being amazed by the abilities of all of these people drew me to be overwhelmed by the abilities of my God!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
As happens so often, the bitterness and hurt mentioned before were due to rumors being spread that were not true. The scared part was because I had written a letter to my mom and I wasn't sure how she would react to something that was written in it. I have talked to her since she read the letter and she didn't even mention it. At first I was thinking, "Ya, whatever. I should have known you didn't care." But then I started thinking that she's probably going to write me back and discuss it in the letter. It's frustrating thinking negative things before positive things. Doggone self-worth issues!!! I'm glad to see things are changing though and that I'm starting to be able to see how things could turn out positively before it actually happens, which it usually does.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I checked the mail today (as always) and there was something in their from my mom. I thought about it and remembered she was going to send me my MSP bill (oh joy, here we go again!). Anyways, I opened it up and there was a letter inside as well. It was a nice surprise 'cause my mom doesn't usually send anything extra with this kind of stuff. When I was at home we had talked about writing letters to each other because I told her I was planning on writing her one (though it is to explain my love for FGBC).
Anyways, I also got a phone call this afternoon from my boss at the cleaning job. I was supposed to work on the 8, 11, 13, 15, and 29 of July, but she said things changed and I don't have to clean anymore...at all. This makes me happy because of how crazy the next 2 weeks of work at VersaCold are supposed to be.
And as the 2 countdowns continue: ...31 shifts left! ...45 days till Eston!!!
Well, off to work so I can knock off one more shift.
Anyways, I also got a phone call this afternoon from my boss at the cleaning job. I was supposed to work on the 8, 11, 13, 15, and 29 of July, but she said things changed and I don't have to clean anymore...at all. This makes me happy because of how crazy the next 2 weeks of work at VersaCold are supposed to be.
And as the 2 countdowns continue: ...31 shifts left! ...45 days till Eston!!!
Well, off to work so I can knock off one more shift.
At one point I was in the midst of reading 3 books (Christy, How to be a Canadian, and The Jesus I Never Knew), but I have finished the 1st 2 and still have a decent amount left in the 3rd. And then of course I bought a 3-part series which I will begin soon enough.
I was trying to figure out student loan stuff today and found out that I would be at least $2000 short if I were to take the CERTESL program while doing my internship. I decided to call Danielle to figure things out, and boy how things have changed! First, only 9 credits are needed for eligibility for F/T studies, meaning I only have to take 1 class each semester. Second, I am now registered in History of Christianity in Canada for 1st semester and Art History for the winter mini-semester. It is weird for me to be excited about taking history classes because I used to hate them. But the influence of others, including having Brian as a teacher, over the last 3 years has given me a new perspective on things so that I actually want to learn about all kinds of history.
After making this decision about school (or having it made for me), I feel as though a burden has been lifted off me. I am excited about this school year even more because I believe I will have more time to do what I love to do most: get to know people!
I was trying to figure out student loan stuff today and found out that I would be at least $2000 short if I were to take the CERTESL program while doing my internship. I decided to call Danielle to figure things out, and boy how things have changed! First, only 9 credits are needed for eligibility for F/T studies, meaning I only have to take 1 class each semester. Second, I am now registered in History of Christianity in Canada for 1st semester and Art History for the winter mini-semester. It is weird for me to be excited about taking history classes because I used to hate them. But the influence of others, including having Brian as a teacher, over the last 3 years has given me a new perspective on things so that I actually want to learn about all kinds of history.
After making this decision about school (or having it made for me), I feel as though a burden has been lifted off me. I am excited about this school year even more because I believe I will have more time to do what I love to do most: get to know people!
Monday, July 04, 2005
Well, let's see...
In the last 2 weeks, I've gone home for a visit, gone to see a couple movies, cut back my hours at one job (I've only got 5 shifts left), visited with the Belize team, finished reading Christy (so good!), continued looking at teaching ESL positions (ie. with OM and what not), went to Lethbridge this past Saturday and Sunday, bought an FM Transmitter for my car so I can finally listen to CDs (wish I had known about this sooner!), recognized the need and opportunity to write letters to some people, and have had some interesting conversations/thought provoking questions to keep my mind alert regarding some important issues. I was told to expect to be at work till between 3 and 5 every morning (starting at 4 in the afternoon) for the next 3 weeks. It'll be good overtime, but that's a little extreme. Oh well, maybe it won't be that bad...and if it is, I'm sure my body will adjust to it.
Happy Belated Canada Day and Happy 4th of July!
In the last 2 weeks, I've gone home for a visit, gone to see a couple movies, cut back my hours at one job (I've only got 5 shifts left), visited with the Belize team, finished reading Christy (so good!), continued looking at teaching ESL positions (ie. with OM and what not), went to Lethbridge this past Saturday and Sunday, bought an FM Transmitter for my car so I can finally listen to CDs (wish I had known about this sooner!), recognized the need and opportunity to write letters to some people, and have had some interesting conversations/thought provoking questions to keep my mind alert regarding some important issues. I was told to expect to be at work till between 3 and 5 every morning (starting at 4 in the afternoon) for the next 3 weeks. It'll be good overtime, but that's a little extreme. Oh well, maybe it won't be that bad...and if it is, I'm sure my body will adjust to it.
Happy Belated Canada Day and Happy 4th of July!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Well, between my talk with Coralee last night(/this morning) and church this morning, my mind and heart have been overflowing once again concerning youth. I have always had a desire to work with teens. I hear people say so many times that, yes, youth have problems, but they aren't important problems, that when they are older they will look back and see how trivial those problems were or else they will not even remember some of them. Sure, maybe it is a "stage" that most teenagers go through, but the physical, emotional, and spiritual state that they are in at any given time is extremely important. In fact, I believe their experiences and how they work through these things at this age and into their early 20s have dramatic life changing results. We have gotten a lot better by giving our youth a voice and encouraging them to do great things, yet we do not seem as willing to try to understand them and support them as they walk through their own daily trials/battles. I was thinking about how, ya, there may be organizations and people to help youth, but I do not see enough people really reaching out and letting the youth know that they really care about them and that they want to be there to support them and give them some direction.
Friday, June 17, 2005
63 DAYS TILL MY LAST DAY OF WORK!!! The cleaning job I knew would be fine, but I wasn't sure about VersaCold because when I took the job, they wanted me to commit to the end of August, but I asked about it today and they are fine with August 19th being my last day. I am SO EXCITED!!! 63 days...wow...seems so short saying it that way compared to saying a couple months!
A couple weeks ago, my boss at the cleaning job told me that I wasn't going to be cleaning one of the houses anymore because they are REALLY picky. I was fine with this 'cause it gave me a morning off for a change. I guess she cleaned the place yesterday and there was a note there saying that when I cleaned it, it was like I flipped over a mat and then left. I don't know what that was all about 'cause I knew they were picky so I took extra care with their place...and I don't think it takes 4 hours to flip over a mat, though I've never tried jsut doing that. Anyways, this morning my boss told me that she was siding with me 'cause she knows my work and so she cancelled that client all together.
I took my car in to get fixed this morning. Haven't heard anything back yet. Thankfully I made other arrangements to get to work today. I just hope I can still get my car today or tomorrow (even though they won't be open) and that it doesn't cost too much.
A couple weeks ago, my boss at the cleaning job told me that I wasn't going to be cleaning one of the houses anymore because they are REALLY picky. I was fine with this 'cause it gave me a morning off for a change. I guess she cleaned the place yesterday and there was a note there saying that when I cleaned it, it was like I flipped over a mat and then left. I don't know what that was all about 'cause I knew they were picky so I took extra care with their place...and I don't think it takes 4 hours to flip over a mat, though I've never tried jsut doing that. Anyways, this morning my boss told me that she was siding with me 'cause she knows my work and so she cancelled that client all together.
I took my car in to get fixed this morning. Haven't heard anything back yet. Thankfully I made other arrangements to get to work today. I just hope I can still get my car today or tomorrow (even though they won't be open) and that it doesn't cost too much.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Some people were talking at work last night about volunteering at places that help the homeless, etc. But they were saying how that a certain Christian place won't take non-Christian volunteers. I just sat there quietly, not knowing what I thought about it and not knowing what to say. The more I thought about it, however, the clearer things became to me. While I understand this organization's reasoning (they want the people they help to understand they are being helped by God, and the people who volunteer there can point the people in the right direction). But the fact that this place (and probably others) is turning away volunteers because they are not Christians leaves those turned down with another reason to not want anything to do with Christianity. If non-Christian volunteers are able to work with the Christian volunteers, perhaps each "side" will be able to better understand the other. The non-Christians may or may not accept Christ, but the Christian volunteers will be pushed in finding out just how real their faith is to them. Why should we stop non-Christians from helping others? What is our reason behind helping other people? I say "we" and "our" because these people are my family in Christ. I do not like the reputation this family is getting because of the actions of certain members in it. There are some times when it is right to be rejected because of our faith, but this situation is not one of those times!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Engagements, weddings, babies...it's not even me and I don't know if I can handle it all!!!
Anyways...I'm thinking of teaching ESL back home in Abbotsford for a year or 2 so I can gain some experience (an keep up with those friendships) before going to teach overseas and before returning to school again. We shall see though.
I have been wanting more time and God has been giving it to me. I am so thankful.
Anyways...I'm thinking of teaching ESL back home in Abbotsford for a year or 2 so I can gain some experience (an keep up with those friendships) before going to teach overseas and before returning to school again. We shall see though.
I have been wanting more time and God has been giving it to me. I am so thankful.
Friday, June 10, 2005
Well, Brad and Angelina are just going to have to wait until tomorrow. At least I hope it's only until tomorrow.
I did not have a good wakeup call this morning, well, it was okay, but it was too early. I was so tired, I just about couldn't even move to pick up the phone. And unfortunately I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards.
Christian Bookstores tend to be a major downfall for me. I went to one this morning and ended up spending just over $90!!! But it was worth it:)
I am so tired, but I have to leave for work in like an hour:( I hope we get out really early tonight. Around 9pm would be good! Last Friday it was around 10pm or 10:30pm. We shall see. Adiós! (Wow...I just realized I was posting at this time last night!).
I did not have a good wakeup call this morning, well, it was okay, but it was too early. I was so tired, I just about couldn't even move to pick up the phone. And unfortunately I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards.
Christian Bookstores tend to be a major downfall for me. I went to one this morning and ended up spending just over $90!!! But it was worth it:)
I am so tired, but I have to leave for work in like an hour:( I hope we get out really early tonight. Around 9pm would be good! Last Friday it was around 10pm or 10:30pm. We shall see. Adiós! (Wow...I just realized I was posting at this time last night!).
Well, it is 2:02am and I don't feel like going to sleep.
I am really cold right now...mostly my fingers and my toes.
I have heard a number of people say that they think Christ is coming back soon. I'm not sure what I think about that. I mean, sure it's nearer than any other previous time, but they are making it sound like it's tomorrow or something. Now, I'm all for that: if Christ wants to come back, then it's the right time and I have no problem with His return. But I can't stop thinking of the many people over the centuries who have believed Christ's return would happen in their lifetime, and yet it did not.
You know who I've been admiring as of late? Paul. So often I think to myself, "I'm only human. I make mistakes. I don't want people to follow me because I don't want to lead them astray, since I am not as Christ-like as I should be (or want to be). But Paul was confident in the life he was living. He knew that he was following Christ and setting a good example for others. Someone else I admire: David, "a man after God's own heart". David was always real before his God. He went to Him during all stages of his life.
I am tired of saying: "I want to spend time with God." or "I know I should pray more." or "I need to seek God's face." I can't just keep saying these things. The only thing that will make a difference is actually doing these things!
I am still being continually blessed! While I was near the start of my shift yesterday, I started talking with a couple of the girls who work on the daytime shift. Turns out they are both Christians. One of them, Rachel, has been working there for a few years I think, and the other one (Sherry-Lynn I think is her name) just started yesterday or the day before. It is so nice to be able to meet new people who are close in age to me. A couple of the girls (Rachel and Jamie) are 26 and a few of the guys are 27, but the 3 ladies I directly work with are 50, 54, and 57. That surprised me 'cause I thought they were in their late 30s - early 40s! I think I'm the youngest person working at that place (so weird going from being one of the oldest at school to the youngest at work).
I got my transcript back from school on Monday. I am so excited! I did better in my classes this past semester than in any of my previous semesters. I knew I learned how to think!!! (Now I just need to learn how to talk well and it'll be all good!).
Well, now it's 2:41am and I still don't want to go to sleep, but I guess I should anyways. I'm planning on going to see Mr & Mrs Smith tomorrow afternoon. SO EXCITED!!!
I am really cold right now...mostly my fingers and my toes.
I have heard a number of people say that they think Christ is coming back soon. I'm not sure what I think about that. I mean, sure it's nearer than any other previous time, but they are making it sound like it's tomorrow or something. Now, I'm all for that: if Christ wants to come back, then it's the right time and I have no problem with His return. But I can't stop thinking of the many people over the centuries who have believed Christ's return would happen in their lifetime, and yet it did not.
You know who I've been admiring as of late? Paul. So often I think to myself, "I'm only human. I make mistakes. I don't want people to follow me because I don't want to lead them astray, since I am not as Christ-like as I should be (or want to be). But Paul was confident in the life he was living. He knew that he was following Christ and setting a good example for others. Someone else I admire: David, "a man after God's own heart". David was always real before his God. He went to Him during all stages of his life.
I am tired of saying: "I want to spend time with God." or "I know I should pray more." or "I need to seek God's face." I can't just keep saying these things. The only thing that will make a difference is actually doing these things!
I am still being continually blessed! While I was near the start of my shift yesterday, I started talking with a couple of the girls who work on the daytime shift. Turns out they are both Christians. One of them, Rachel, has been working there for a few years I think, and the other one (Sherry-Lynn I think is her name) just started yesterday or the day before. It is so nice to be able to meet new people who are close in age to me. A couple of the girls (Rachel and Jamie) are 26 and a few of the guys are 27, but the 3 ladies I directly work with are 50, 54, and 57. That surprised me 'cause I thought they were in their late 30s - early 40s! I think I'm the youngest person working at that place (so weird going from being one of the oldest at school to the youngest at work).
I got my transcript back from school on Monday. I am so excited! I did better in my classes this past semester than in any of my previous semesters. I knew I learned how to think!!! (Now I just need to learn how to talk well and it'll be all good!).
Well, now it's 2:41am and I still don't want to go to sleep, but I guess I should anyways. I'm planning on going to see Mr & Mrs Smith tomorrow afternoon. SO EXCITED!!!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
1. God is good.
2. Italy...I wanna go!
3. The rain is subsiding:)
4. Stupid bad dreams (mainly involving car accidents, but other stuff as well) not stopping!
5. Still not setting my priorities straight (ie. not giving God my time).
6. Got full damage deposit back:)
7. Did better in my classes this past semester than any other:)
8. Excited to go home in 17 days!
9. Anxious to get back to school.
10. Gotta go to work now.
2. Italy...I wanna go!
3. The rain is subsiding:)
4. Stupid bad dreams (mainly involving car accidents, but other stuff as well) not stopping!
5. Still not setting my priorities straight (ie. not giving God my time).
6. Got full damage deposit back:)
7. Did better in my classes this past semester than any other:)
8. Excited to go home in 17 days!
9. Anxious to get back to school.
10. Gotta go to work now.
Sunday, June 05, 2005
This really stood out to me today, so I decided to share it with you:
Psalm 19
For the director of music. A psalm of David.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.
7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19
For the director of music. A psalm of David.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.
7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
9 The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.
10 They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.
11 By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Well, I totally lost it at work (cleaning) this morning. It was about an hour into my shift and I just sat on the people's couch and started crying. They had The Blue Day Book sitting on the table, so I went through that. This is the first time that book has not brought a smile to my face. I couldn't stop crying. I went on with my cleaning, with tears running down my face. The crying lasted for about an hour, but even when I was done crying, I still had (and have) this sad/lost/empty/lonely feeling that is consuming me. One more shift to go for the day. Friday's are usually pretty slow, so hopefully we can get out of there by 9 or 10 tonight.
Earlier this week I realized I was trying to gain the approval of one of the guys at work. (Now, we don't work in the same office, but we work the same shift). (And I'll just straighten things out first...I don't "like" him, he has a long time gf, and he's not a Christian). He reminds me so much of my brother, so I think that is why I was trying to gain his approval. So on Wednesday I was just "soaring" when I realized I had gotten it. I feel respected by him now.
It was really weird last night. I was sitting at my desk, entering stuff into the system, when I became completely overwhelmed and just wanted to take a break or go to bed and cry. It wasn't the work...I still like that...I just got overemotional. And there wasn't time to take a break, so I stayed at my desk and forced the tears back.
I am so happy it is Friday. 2 places to work at, then a couple days to sleep and recover.
Things are going so-so with me and God. It's more like this:
Me: God, please tell me..., please show me....
God: I'm trying, but you're not taking the time to listen or to see.
It was really weird last night. I was sitting at my desk, entering stuff into the system, when I became completely overwhelmed and just wanted to take a break or go to bed and cry. It wasn't the work...I still like that...I just got overemotional. And there wasn't time to take a break, so I stayed at my desk and forced the tears back.
I am so happy it is Friday. 2 places to work at, then a couple days to sleep and recover.
Things are going so-so with me and God. It's more like this:
Me: God, please tell me..., please show me....
God: I'm trying, but you're not taking the time to listen or to see.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
I know I'm behind the times, but...
Today has been one of my more productive days off. I read a couple chapters in "The Jesus I Never Knew" and tidied up my room this morning and did some yard work / gardening this afternoon. My hands hurt.
I am really looking forward to going home. I think I'm going to see if I can book a dentist appointment for that Friday morning. This summer is the last time I am covered by my mom's dental plan and I like our dentist, so I wanna get it done there while I can.
(Sad, I know, but I started the countdown today). 84-96 days till I can return to Eston for another year! (Depends on when my last day at work is. I'm going to try to get to the Staff Retreat, but we shall see).
Well, I'm hungry. I'm going to go see what's happening with supper. Adiós!
Today has been one of my more productive days off. I read a couple chapters in "The Jesus I Never Knew" and tidied up my room this morning and did some yard work / gardening this afternoon. My hands hurt.
I am really looking forward to going home. I think I'm going to see if I can book a dentist appointment for that Friday morning. This summer is the last time I am covered by my mom's dental plan and I like our dentist, so I wanna get it done there while I can.
(Sad, I know, but I started the countdown today). 84-96 days till I can return to Eston for another year! (Depends on when my last day at work is. I'm going to try to get to the Staff Retreat, but we shall see).
Well, I'm hungry. I'm going to go see what's happening with supper. Adiós!
Sorry this is so long. I tried to post it on another site, but could not. I don't want to lose it, so I figured I'd post it here.
Well, this is the second time I have worked on this, so we shall see what happens. Hopefully a bunch of this won't get deleted again. (Ha Ha! It deleted the whole thing this time, but I learned my lesson and copied it before doing anything! Third time's a charm???).
I know I was supposed to have been working on looking at myself, but that hasn't been going so well. Thankfully God has been gracious enough to give me a topic to focus on, which will inevitably make me take an honest look at my life: Pride. I hate pride! It is a form of self-protection that deceives even ourselves. It is the battle of all battles. It goes right to the core of each of us. Pride was the cause of the fall of man and continues to be the barrier between us and God.
It is late and I am tired, so I am just going to leave you with this list of some verses that deal with pride and humility. Please note that I have narrowed this list down to 23 from 177. Some of these I will edit at a later time so as to include my thoughts on some of these verses and my reason for using them.
2 Kings 22:19
Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I have spoken against this place and its people, that they would become accursed and laid waste, and because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you, declares the LORD.
2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 12:7
When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, this word of the LORD came to Shemaiah: "Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverance. My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak.
2 Chronicles 26:16
But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense.
2 Chronicles 34:27
Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before God when you heard what he spoke against this place and its people, and because you humbled yourself before me and tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you, declares the LORD.
Psalm 10:4
In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.
Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
Psalm 101:5
Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure.
Proverbs 8:13
To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 13:10
Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
Isaiah 13:11
I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
Jeremiah 13:17
But if you do not listen, I will weep in secret because of your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly, overflowing with tears, because the LORD's flock will be taken captive.
Jeremiah 49:16
The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks, who occupy the heights of the hill. Though you build your nest as high as the eagle's, from there I will bring you down," declares the LORD.
Daniel 10:12
Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.
Hosea 13:6
When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.
Matthew 23:12
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Romans 12:16
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. [ Or willing to do menial work] Do not be conceited.
1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Philippians 2
[ Imitating Christ's Humility ]
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Well, this is the second time I have worked on this, so we shall see what happens. Hopefully a bunch of this won't get deleted again. (Ha Ha! It deleted the whole thing this time, but I learned my lesson and copied it before doing anything! Third time's a charm???).
I know I was supposed to have been working on looking at myself, but that hasn't been going so well. Thankfully God has been gracious enough to give me a topic to focus on, which will inevitably make me take an honest look at my life: Pride. I hate pride! It is a form of self-protection that deceives even ourselves. It is the battle of all battles. It goes right to the core of each of us. Pride was the cause of the fall of man and continues to be the barrier between us and God.
It is late and I am tired, so I am just going to leave you with this list of some verses that deal with pride and humility. Please note that I have narrowed this list down to 23 from 177. Some of these I will edit at a later time so as to include my thoughts on some of these verses and my reason for using them.
2 Kings 22:19
Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I have spoken against this place and its people, that they would become accursed and laid waste, and because you tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you, declares the LORD.
2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 12:7
When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, this word of the LORD came to Shemaiah: "Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverance. My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak.
2 Chronicles 26:16
But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense.
2 Chronicles 34:27
Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before God when you heard what he spoke against this place and its people, and because you humbled yourself before me and tore your robes and wept in my presence, I have heard you, declares the LORD.
Psalm 10:4
In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.
Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
Psalm 101:5
Whoever slanders his neighbor in secret, him will I put to silence; whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, him will I not endure.
Proverbs 8:13
To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Proverbs 13:10
Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.
Isaiah 13:11
I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
Jeremiah 13:17
But if you do not listen, I will weep in secret because of your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly, overflowing with tears, because the LORD's flock will be taken captive.
Jeremiah 49:16
The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks, who occupy the heights of the hill. Though you build your nest as high as the eagle's, from there I will bring you down," declares the LORD.
Daniel 10:12
Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.
Hosea 13:6
When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me.
Matthew 23:12
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Romans 12:16
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. [ Or willing to do menial work] Do not be conceited.
1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Philippians 2
[ Imitating Christ's Humility ]
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Friday, May 27, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
[Edit: This entry did not take the direction I thought it would. I almost didn't post it, but I believe it is good to post, at least for me if no one else.]
It is very rare that I remember my dreams, so I am a little disconcerted with the fact that the last 3 teams I have slept, I have remembered my dreams, and they have been about death. These dreams have been about the death of family members, friends, and myself. I don't like it. It hurts too much to even think about. However, it is good because it helps me to face reality and causes me to pray more. And as I pray for the different situations and think about how I would respond in the face of such a tragedy, I am learning more and more what it means to trust God and to give the people I love so much over to Him. During these times, I am also reminded of the wonderful people He has brought into my life, of the times we have had together, of the memories we share. There was a point when I did not know if I could or would want to live without some of these people, but I have grown in my dependence on God, and, while I know that I will be hurting very deeply if they die before I do, I know that I will make it through, that God will be there, that He will be faithful then as He always has been. I do not want any of these people whom I love so dearly to die before me, but I know that it is a possibility. If I were to give up on God during such a time, the relationship I have with these people would have no meaning because these relationships are from God and He has challenged me greatly through them all. There are a at least 3 families I know of whom I would say they have gone through Job-like trials and have reamined faithful to God. I look up to these people. I respect them greatly. I am encouraged by their faithfulness. And I can only pray that if I am struck with as much tragedy or less tragedy than these people, that I too will remain faithful to my God.
It is very rare that I remember my dreams, so I am a little disconcerted with the fact that the last 3 teams I have slept, I have remembered my dreams, and they have been about death. These dreams have been about the death of family members, friends, and myself. I don't like it. It hurts too much to even think about. However, it is good because it helps me to face reality and causes me to pray more. And as I pray for the different situations and think about how I would respond in the face of such a tragedy, I am learning more and more what it means to trust God and to give the people I love so much over to Him. During these times, I am also reminded of the wonderful people He has brought into my life, of the times we have had together, of the memories we share. There was a point when I did not know if I could or would want to live without some of these people, but I have grown in my dependence on God, and, while I know that I will be hurting very deeply if they die before I do, I know that I will make it through, that God will be there, that He will be faithful then as He always has been. I do not want any of these people whom I love so dearly to die before me, but I know that it is a possibility. If I were to give up on God during such a time, the relationship I have with these people would have no meaning because these relationships are from God and He has challenged me greatly through them all. There are a at least 3 families I know of whom I would say they have gone through Job-like trials and have reamined faithful to God. I look up to these people. I respect them greatly. I am encouraged by their faithfulness. And I can only pray that if I am struck with as much tragedy or less tragedy than these people, that I too will remain faithful to my God.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Whenever I drive to and from my morning job, I pass 2 Tim Horton's. This morning as I drove by the first one, there were vehicles lined up into the street. I decided I would blog about either the craziness of so many people wanting Tim Horton's or the lack of space for vehicles to line up. As I continued on, I passed the 2nd Tim Horton's...same situation. This got me thinking of how often I used to go to Tim Horton's and how I had only been to one since moving to Calgary and that it wasn't even one here that I went to...I went to the one in Strathmore on my way back from Eston last weekend! I drove to work, then cleaned a house on my own (1st time). I was so hot, sweaty, and tired when I was finished!!! So on my way home, I stopped at the bank to put my pay check plus $50 on my visa, then stopped at the Tim Horton's closest to home. I think I have found one of my favorite meals! I got a Toasted Chicken Club sandwich combo with a medium icecap and a boston cream donut. I should have gone for a large icecap though...especially after this morning's hard work! I was almost finished the icecap by the time I got home! But, man, that Toasted Chicken Club was so good! One thing I lean towards when ordering at restaurants is a clubhouse sandwich. It's been one of my favorites for many years. I often compare restaurants based on their clubhouse, and I do not think I have had better than the one I had today! Anyways, I'm not getting paid for this advertising, so I'm gonna stop now. Gotta get my stuff together for work for tonight. I am so excited for the long-weekend! I don't think I've ever looked more forward to one in my life! I might be getting off work early again tonight, I get to hang out with Coralee this weekend, I get to see the Spain team, Kristin's staying over for the weekend, and we might be going to Calaway Park on Sunday!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
I was reading Genesis 18 yesterday and found something that I am not too sure how to take. It says, "The Lord appeared to Abraham...." "Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby." The options I came up with are: the 3 are Jesus and 2 others, Abraham fully recognized the Trinity, Abraham recognized God through the men, the 3 were representatives of God, or something else. After I kept reading, it seems as though the 1st option works the best, but what do you think?
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Well, I have started another job. So now I am working approx. 9am-1pm (cleaning houses) and 4pm-12:30am (data entry) M-F. I need to take naps in between, but it's all good. I finished early tonight though. I am very happy. And I am also happy because I don't have to work at either job next Monday. God has been blessing me left, right, and centre since I have come to Calgary. I am constantly amazed at how He works and how He provides. Well, I guess it's bedtime. Adiós!
Friday, May 13, 2005
2 things that came out of my conversation with Coralee last night:
1. Re: my last post, Coralee brought up the fact that the ground must still be cursed or else there wouldn't be weeds and thistles and what not to deal with.
2.We talked about some previous conversations and it made me realize, yet again, how much I love just sitting around, talking with people, asking each other random questions.
Well, off to work, then off to Eston! Adiós!
1. Re: my last post, Coralee brought up the fact that the ground must still be cursed or else there wouldn't be weeds and thistles and what not to deal with.
2.We talked about some previous conversations and it made me realize, yet again, how much I love just sitting around, talking with people, asking each other random questions.
Well, off to work, then off to Eston! Adiós!
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I was reading Genesis 6-8 this morning (the account of the flood) and I noticed something I had not noticed before:
In the middle of 8:21, God says, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood."
So in Genesis 3:17, God curses the ground because of Adam, but under Noah it is no longer cursed. That's what I got out of it this morning anyways.
Well, off to work. Have a good day!
In the middle of 8:21, God says, "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood."
So in Genesis 3:17, God curses the ground because of Adam, but under Noah it is no longer cursed. That's what I got out of it this morning anyways.
Well, off to work. Have a good day!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
For some strange reason, God won't stop talking to me about discipline :P
I was reading an article called "Soul Building". It's on the disciplines of freedom (abstinence, simplicity, and stillness), fortitude (meditation, prayer, and reticence), and focus (stability and worship).
In this article, the author explains what each discipline is, reasons why a person may want to practice it, what it looks like in practice, some indicators that a person might need the discipline, and how to get started.
Throughout the article, the author uses Scripture and teachings from some ancient desert Christians as further reference for each discipline.
The author's aim is to teach people about the disciplines and to get them to seek God to find out which discipline would be best to do for now.
That's one of the exciting things about this article. The author shows the disciplines to be a blessing, not a burden. And he assures his readers that a person can follow through with the disciplines with God's grace, that it is good for a person to observe each discipline in moderation, that not everyone's standards for discipline should be the same, that we shouldn't judge people in their discipline, and that it takes practice to build these habits.
I was reading an article called "Soul Building". It's on the disciplines of freedom (abstinence, simplicity, and stillness), fortitude (meditation, prayer, and reticence), and focus (stability and worship).
In this article, the author explains what each discipline is, reasons why a person may want to practice it, what it looks like in practice, some indicators that a person might need the discipline, and how to get started.
Throughout the article, the author uses Scripture and teachings from some ancient desert Christians as further reference for each discipline.
The author's aim is to teach people about the disciplines and to get them to seek God to find out which discipline would be best to do for now.
That's one of the exciting things about this article. The author shows the disciplines to be a blessing, not a burden. And he assures his readers that a person can follow through with the disciplines with God's grace, that it is good for a person to observe each discipline in moderation, that not everyone's standards for discipline should be the same, that we shouldn't judge people in their discipline, and that it takes practice to build these habits.
Monday, May 09, 2005
I love my job :) Hopefully I'll still feel this way in a few months. I'm cleaning houses. I like to clean...It gives me a sense of accomplishment and purpose. And my boss is really cool. She's there, but she's not hovering. I really like her standards...I will enjoy working for her. She said she likes how I work and wants to give me as much work as she can. And it'll be pretty easy to get time off when I need it, so that's good. And I'm being paid as a contractor, so I don't get anything taken off my checks! And (man, with all these "And"s I sound like Mark in the Gospel he wrote) because for the most part I'm done around 1pm, that leaves plenty of time to work at another job. I have an interview at 5pm on Wednesday at London Drugs for a cashier position.
My eye won't stop twitching...it's been happening since yesterday morning! DOGGONE NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!
Anyways, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go have lunch. Adiós!
My eye won't stop twitching...it's been happening since yesterday morning! DOGGONE NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!
Anyways, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go have lunch. Adiós!
Friday, May 06, 2005
I GOT A JOB!!! (Thank You, God. And thank you everyone else for your prayers). It's a P/T cleaning job (houses and offices I think) working for a lady who went to FGBI. I start training Monday morning. So strange how things work out for me.... Most jobs I have had are not ones I have applied for, they've been through connections. This one is no different. I find it so weird how I can apply at so many places, yet the place I get a job at is not one I applied for. Oh well. God is good.
I was talking with my mom tonight and she mentioned the possibility of me becoming a psych nurse. Strange timing for her to bring it up, considering my last post. But we actually had a good conversation tonight. And I got to find out a characteristic about my mom that I didn't know before and one which makes me see some of her in me, which makes me happy. Anyways, I will be looking into becoming a psych nurse, but I definitely don't want to rush into anything!
Coralee and I are going to hangout at Cara's tonight! I'm so excited!
Please keep Charissa and Cassandra's mom in your prayers. She's got cancer (they just found out on Wednesday) and she's going in for surgery on Monday morning. And please keep the whole family in your prayers. Thank you.
I was talking with my mom tonight and she mentioned the possibility of me becoming a psych nurse. Strange timing for her to bring it up, considering my last post. But we actually had a good conversation tonight. And I got to find out a characteristic about my mom that I didn't know before and one which makes me see some of her in me, which makes me happy. Anyways, I will be looking into becoming a psych nurse, but I definitely don't want to rush into anything!
Coralee and I are going to hangout at Cara's tonight! I'm so excited!
Please keep Charissa and Cassandra's mom in your prayers. She's got cancer (they just found out on Wednesday) and she's going in for surgery on Monday morning. And please keep the whole family in your prayers. Thank you.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY TO MY MOMMY!!!!!!!!! (Not that she'll ever be on a computer to read this).
I am still looking for a job. Things seem like they may be picking up.
I either need to stop having a fascination with people (their behavior and the ways they think) or else use this fascination to do something productive.
That's enough for now. That last post was long enough to last a week!
I am still looking for a job. Things seem like they may be picking up.
I either need to stop having a fascination with people (their behavior and the ways they think) or else use this fascination to do something productive.
That's enough for now. That last post was long enough to last a week!
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I am so tired of applying for jobs. I don't want to anymore. I just want to wait for the calls to come back. I'm sure I'll still keep looking though. I have an interview at Kelsey's at the airport tomorrow and another one with Diversified Staffing on Thursday. Maybe I'll get one of these jobs and then I won't have to look anymore!
I had quite the (unintentional) tour of Calgary today...I was taking my car in to get it fixed this morning, but I missed one of my turn-offs, which just happened to be the last one for a really long time. I eventually got turned around and took the right exit, but apparently by taking the exit on this side, I had already completed some of the directions I was following. So there I was, driving along, looking for a road to make a left turn onto, when lo and behold I end up in Chinatown! Now this wasn't so bad...it reminded me of Vancouver. And it's not the fancy new part of the city, so I got to see some of the older, cool looking buildings that I like so much. I ended up stopping at this park to look at my map and realized that I wasn't too far away from where I needed to be. So I got it all straightened out and got my car in. Now, what should have taken me about 15 minutes to get there, took me a little over an hour. The guy at the shop gave me 2 transit tickets...one to get home and the other to get back to my car. He showed me where the C-train station was and sent me on my way. I got off the C-train and proceeded to the bus. I wasn't sure if I was... (woah. déjà vu. sorry. anyways)
...supposed to take the 79 or the 80, but thankfully there were some nice people there to help me out. I got home and awaited my phone call. Now, I've been told it's not that bad (the price I had to pay for my car), but when I have no income and have to rely on an already high debt visa, $300 is a lot. However, my car is working SO much better now! And as long as I get a pay check (or a reasonable amount of money God ends up dropping in my lap) by June 8th, I'll be able to make it.
I got to play badminton with Coralee last night. I had so much fun! I haven't played since either early high school or else elementary school, but it's all good 'cause we were just trying to see how long we could rally. The most we got to, however, was 31. That's not that bad, but I think it could have been better if we didn't have the ever changing wind. It was good to be outside though. And Coralee had a period of time at school when we would just goof off playing pingpong and foosball and the piano and what not. We hadn't done anything like that for so long. It was nice. I think I'm getting old though...after diving a few times and getting nice grass stains on my jeans, I didn't have the energy to keep it up. we still played for a while, but I just had no motivation at times.
I want to watch a movie again. I watched First Wives Club last Wednesday and Sound of Music on the weekend, but I wanna see something else. And it's kinda frustrating 'cause I don't enjoy movies as much when I don't have my close friends (or more specifically my close movie-watching friends) with me when I watch them.
I really miss school...everything about it. The people, the assignments, the small town life, the challenges, and the encouragement (though I still get these last 2 via msn, email, previous notes, and God).
Hm...I'm talking with a friend on msn right now. Our conversation has brought to mind the frustration I have with not feeling like I'm being honest with myself...like I don't know myself. I know a lot of people find freedom and themselves when they journal or whatever, but I do not. Or if I do, it might be once a year. But usually this is as in depth as I go. Arg! God, please help me!!! I am always so different than everybody else! I don't want to be the same as everyone else, but I don't want to be as different from them as I often seem to be! Do I? ... I often wonder if I should go for counseling to see if there's something that is stopping me from being honest with myself. But I mean, I've asked God and He hasn't seemed to have thought it important for me, so I don't know.
Anyways...I've gone on long enough. Adiós!
I had quite the (unintentional) tour of Calgary today...I was taking my car in to get it fixed this morning, but I missed one of my turn-offs, which just happened to be the last one for a really long time. I eventually got turned around and took the right exit, but apparently by taking the exit on this side, I had already completed some of the directions I was following. So there I was, driving along, looking for a road to make a left turn onto, when lo and behold I end up in Chinatown! Now this wasn't so bad...it reminded me of Vancouver. And it's not the fancy new part of the city, so I got to see some of the older, cool looking buildings that I like so much. I ended up stopping at this park to look at my map and realized that I wasn't too far away from where I needed to be. So I got it all straightened out and got my car in. Now, what should have taken me about 15 minutes to get there, took me a little over an hour. The guy at the shop gave me 2 transit tickets...one to get home and the other to get back to my car. He showed me where the C-train station was and sent me on my way. I got off the C-train and proceeded to the bus. I wasn't sure if I was... (woah. déjà vu. sorry. anyways)
...supposed to take the 79 or the 80, but thankfully there were some nice people there to help me out. I got home and awaited my phone call. Now, I've been told it's not that bad (the price I had to pay for my car), but when I have no income and have to rely on an already high debt visa, $300 is a lot. However, my car is working SO much better now! And as long as I get a pay check (or a reasonable amount of money God ends up dropping in my lap) by June 8th, I'll be able to make it.
I got to play badminton with Coralee last night. I had so much fun! I haven't played since either early high school or else elementary school, but it's all good 'cause we were just trying to see how long we could rally. The most we got to, however, was 31. That's not that bad, but I think it could have been better if we didn't have the ever changing wind. It was good to be outside though. And Coralee had a period of time at school when we would just goof off playing pingpong and foosball and the piano and what not. We hadn't done anything like that for so long. It was nice. I think I'm getting old though...after diving a few times and getting nice grass stains on my jeans, I didn't have the energy to keep it up. we still played for a while, but I just had no motivation at times.
I want to watch a movie again. I watched First Wives Club last Wednesday and Sound of Music on the weekend, but I wanna see something else. And it's kinda frustrating 'cause I don't enjoy movies as much when I don't have my close friends (or more specifically my close movie-watching friends) with me when I watch them.
I really miss school...everything about it. The people, the assignments, the small town life, the challenges, and the encouragement (though I still get these last 2 via msn, email, previous notes, and God).
Hm...I'm talking with a friend on msn right now. Our conversation has brought to mind the frustration I have with not feeling like I'm being honest with myself...like I don't know myself. I know a lot of people find freedom and themselves when they journal or whatever, but I do not. Or if I do, it might be once a year. But usually this is as in depth as I go. Arg! God, please help me!!! I am always so different than everybody else! I don't want to be the same as everyone else, but I don't want to be as different from them as I often seem to be! Do I? ... I often wonder if I should go for counseling to see if there's something that is stopping me from being honest with myself. But I mean, I've asked God and He hasn't seemed to have thought it important for me, so I don't know.
Anyways...I've gone on long enough. Adiós!
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
SO FUNNY...K, this was talking about small town USA, but a lot of it works for Canada too, well, in SK anyways...
You Know You're From a Small Town When... |
The "road hog" in front of you on Main Street is a farmer's combine. The local phone book has only one yellow page. Third Street is on the edge of town. You leave your jacket on the back of the chair in the cafe, and when you go back the next day, it's still there, on the same chair. You don't signal turns because everyone knows where you're going, anyway. No social events can be scheduled when the school gym floor is being varnished. You call a wrong number and they supply you with the correct one. Everyone knows all the news before it's published; they just read the hometown paper to see whether the publisher got it right. The city limits signs are both on the same post! The City jail is called amoeba, because it only has one cell. The McDonalds only has one Golden Arch. The one-block-long Main Street dead ends in both directions. Second Street is in the next town over. There's no place to go that you shouldn't. A "Night on the Town" takes only 11 minutes. The mayor had to annex property to eat a foot-long hot dog. The New Year's baby was born in October. Running from the cops consists of hiding in the cornfield. You have to name six surrounding towns to explain to people where you're from. You have to drive five miles out in the country to smoke a cigarette. Headline news is who grew the biggest vegetable this year. There is no point in high-school reunions because everyone knows what everyone else is doing anyway. Driving cars up and down the main drag is a universal high school experience. You can name everyone you graduated with. You know what 4-H is. You ever went to parties at a pasture, barn, or in the middle of a dirt road. You said the 'f' word and your parents knew within the hour. You schedule parties around the schedule of different police officers, since you know which ones would bust you and which ones wouldn't - same goes with the game warden. You ever went cow-tipping or snipe hunting. School gets canceled for state sporting events. You could never buy cigarettes because all the store clerks knew how old you were and if you were old enough, they would still tell your folks. When you did find someone old enough and brave enough to buy cigarettes, you still had to go out to the country and drive back roads to smoke them. You were ever in the Homecoming parade. You have ever gone home for Homecoming. It was cool to date someone from the neighboring town. You had senior skip day. The whole school went to the same party after graduation. You don't give directions by street names or references (turn by Nelson's house, go two blocks to the Anderson's turn left and it's four houses left of the football field). The golf course had only 9 holes You can't help but date a friend's ex-girlfriend. Your car stays filthy because of the dirt roads, and you will never own a dark vehicle for this reason. You think kids that ride skateboards are weird. The town next to you is considered "trashy" or "snooty" but is actually just like your town. Getting paid minimum wage is considered a great job. You refer to anyone with a house newer than 1980 as "rich" people. The people in the city dress funny, then you pick up on the trend a few years later. You bragged to your friends because you got pipes on your truck for your birthday. Anyone you want can be found at either the Dairy Queen or the feed store. You see at least one friend a week driving a tractor through town. Football coaches suggest that you haul hay for the summer to get stronger. Directions are given using "the" stop light as a reference The city council meets at the coffee shop. Your letter jacket was worn after your 19th birthday. You have ever taken a trailer or dog to school on a daily basis. Weekend excitement involves a trip to the grocery store. Even the ugly people enter beauty contests. You decide to walk somewhere for exercise and 5 people pull over and ask if you need a ride. Your teachers call you by your older siblings names. Your teachers remember when they taught your parents. You can charge at all the local stores. The closest McDonald's is 45 miles away. So is the closest mall. It is normal to see an old man riding through town on a riding lawn mower. Everyone who played sports had to play on every type of team, or there wouldn't be enough people to have a team. Being able to hit a road sign with a beer bottle while driving down the highway is considered a necessary skill. A cool vehicle had big tires or a bad-ass stereo. You can remember when your town finally got cable. Driving to the party on a four wheeler is quite normal. You thought the 30-year-old guy that still was at all the parties was cool. The town population increases by one-third when the universities go on break. The best burgers in town are at the rink. You know exactly where to go when the party is at "the lake". You lost your virginity at a bush party. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from a small town. |
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